spring is coming…

spring is blooming

I can’t believe it’s March already.

When I look out the window, there are buds starting to smile from empty branches. Some days its even warm enough to be outside without a jacket, and the grass is getting green again.

I’m loving the days when the sun shines so brightly.

sunshine & daffodils

I’m thankful for flowers that will bloom, days that will be longer, memories that will be made, and lessons that will be learned.

Winter is not forever.

It’s only a season.

Spring is coming soon.

I’m thankful for the Creator who makes all things new. Out of dry, winter soil, He causes beauty to rise. Out of our faltering human hearts, He causes His light to shine.

What a miracle it all is.

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.
He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
(Ecclesiastes 3:11)

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4 thoughts on “spring is coming…

  1. Joy, it is so true. Spring is just around the corner. Enjoy your life right now to the fullest because you don’t have so many decisions. Hope to see you Sabbath. Miss you when you are not with us. ahava, Janice F.

    1. Dear Miss Janice,

      Thank you for your comment. I hope you have had a wonderful week, and I look forward to seeing you both this Sabbath! :) Love you!

  2. Loved your song, Joy! You’re so gifted! Thanks for sharing your gifts with all of us!
    Love you,


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