Writers, Artists, & Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossoms

Remember last year when I started the Thankfulness Journal?

Setting out to write 10,000 things that I’m thankful for was quite an endeavor. I’ve yet to reach that ambitious goal, but thankfulness lives on in my heart.

Here are some joyful things from this week:

Meeting Fellow Writers & Artists—This week I had the privilege of attending a three day writers’ workshop taught by Renee Andrews. She is an excellent speaker and so inspiring.  It was wonderful to connect with fellow writers and artists in my community and share our nerdy love for the printed word.

Shannon @ Unfading Joy—I love her entire blog, but especially her post for this week. It resonated with my soul.

Cherry Blossoms—The large cherry tree in my backyard is in full bloom and showering the grass with white petals.

Mason Clover Music—I love the way that he weaves scripture verses and Hebrew into his songs. It reminds me of Revive Conferences where I first heard Clover sing and where I’ve made so many wonderful memories with friends.

How about you…What are you thankful for this week?

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8 thoughts on “Writers, Artists, & Cherry Blossoms

  1. Hi! You know me. (Joy Number 2.) I also have a blog, though it does mention a game I play and Its not as mature as yours but it helps me have something to do. Well, I’m thankful for my family. Like my mom talks to me when I’m depressed about the past. My dad talks to me when I have questions. My sister is always there for me, trying to help me when she can. My brother buys me things when I need them, even if I don’t. My older sister chats with me and makes me laugh. And my Holy Father always protects me from harms way and helps me drop the sacks of depression and He always listens. I hope that I see the rest of your family soon! Maybe at the beach again? Talk to you later! ~ Joy

    1. Hello Joy! :)

      It’s so great to hear from you! I love your blog, and I’m so glad that you enjoy following along with mine. Family is definitely something we can all be so thankful for. Thank you so much for sharing how each of your family members is special to you. And yes…Our Heavenly Father is always there for us, keeping us safe and wanting to give us joy (it’s our name after all…hee hee hee) even when we get depressed. You are very insightful!

      Next time we’re down in FL, hopefully our families can meet up at the beach again! That will be fun. :)

      The Other Joy

  2. Hey Joy!
    I really like Mason Clover’s music too and we love dancing to El Shaddai:) By the way, did you hear Samuel’s cover of El Shaddai? He recently started playing the guitar and he wanted to learn El Shaddai so that he could play it for C & S when they came to visit. Here is the link to it, if you did not hear it already: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZt0-5dZ4ME
    Much love in Yeshua and have a blessed week! <3
    P.S. I love seeing the cherry blossoms on our wild cheery tree as well … they are so beautiful! I love Spring!

    1. Hey Sarah! :)

      Yes! I love dancing to El Shaddai with y’all! Sam is doing great on the guitar (and it’s so great to see you on the piano!!!) That video makes me miss y’all a lot!!!!

      I pray that you have a blessed week too! <3

      P.S. I'm glad we can both enjoy the cherry blossoms. Thank Yahweh for spring! :)

  3. I’m thankful for the beginning of Springtime and being able to walk places and enjoy being outside again. (Your cherry blossoms look magnificent!) And for the home and church and community that God’s given me the privilege of loving. And for Jesus who lived and died and lives. Thanks for making me pause and think thankfully, Joy. Hope you are well! =)

    1. Thank you for sharing your thankfulness, Krystiana! I have loved being able to enjoy the outdoors again too! “He lived and died and lives,” What a beautiful thing to know!
      ♫ Our God is an Awesome God ♫

      Joy :)

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