“What Are You Thankful For?” Link-up Party! :D

Thankful_Square LARGE (2)

Hey y’all!

I’m so excited to share this invitation with you.

My friends at Radical Femininity have invited me to co-host the “What Are You Thankful For?” linkup party. From November 11th-25th you can share your blog posts on the theme of Thanksgiving or thankfulness on the link-up at the bottom of this post! :)

Psalm 105

Thankfulness is a powerful thing. It doesn’t erase the problems in our lives, but it does change the way we view them. It helps us to see Yahweh’s hand leading us day by day, to recognize His goodness in every situation, and to focus on the beauty in this world. Having a thankful heart doesn’t just help us be more joyful and content, it lifts others up too.

Phil. 4:8

Sometimes it takes a bit of creativity to find the positive side to things. It’s easy to complain. It’s easy to get frustrated or discouraged. But it’s not by our might that we can keep a thankful heart. It’s by His strength. It’s by His Word and Truth guiding us through life. It’s by the joy that He has placed in our hearts that we can rejoice in all things. And sometimes when we look at the big picture, the things we most dislike are actually mercies in disguise.

What if Your blessings come through rain drops?
What if Your healing comes through tears?
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near?
And what if trials of this life

Are Your mercies in disguise?
~“Blessings” by Laura Story~

It’s easy to talk about thankfulness. It’s easy to read the Scripture verses about thankfulness, or listen to the songs that remind me of God’s goodness. But in my heart–where only He sees–I know whether I’m living in a spirit of thankfulness or not.  I know when the enemy has crept in and planted ungrateful seeds in my heart. And it’s only when I fix my eyes on my heavenly Father, when I remember His faithfulness, His almighty power, His unfathomable love and care for me, that I can see how wrong I am to feel frustration toward Him.

Give Thanks

Thankfulness is a daily journey, a walk of contentment, and a work in progress in my heart. I’m so thankful to the ladies at Radical Femininity for inviting us to this party, because it’s such a wonderful reminder to keep a cheerful heart. I’m also thankful for all the other co-hostesses celebrating this too. And I encourage you to check out their lovely posts on thankfulness and comment/follow!

The Co-Hostesses:

Alisha @ Alisha In Progress

Connect at: Google Plus | Pinterest


April @ A Simple Life Too

Connect at: Google Plus | Facebook | Pinterest


Hannah @ Shining Stars Magazine

Connect at: Google Plus


Joy @ Artful Homemaking

Connect at: Facebook | Google Plus | Pinterest | Twitter


Leticia @ King Maker Blog

Connect at: Facebook | Pinterest


Naomi @ What Joy Is Mine

Connect at: Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram


The Ladies @ Radical Femininity

Connect at: Facebook | Google Plus | Pinterest | Twitter


Thankfulness can flood our hearts when we’re overwhelmed by the giant blessings in life, but sometimes blessings come in smaller, every day happenings. And it’s in those seemingly insignificant things that Yahweh can touch our hearts in a special way when we stop to observe the beauty around us and thank Him for it. Here’s just a few things that I’m thankful for and have written down in my Beautiful Things journal lately.

noisy reunions {because there’s a lot of us & we’re having fun}
sweet notes from even sweeter friends
sibling laughter
poems that slowly grow
leaves that rustle under stroller wheels
crisp autumn air
trees that look like fireworks in the sky

Now it’s your turn!

What are you thankful for?

If you have any posts on Thanksgiving or thankfulness, please join the party by linking your post below. Or leave a comment about what you’re thankful for today. Let’s share the many blessings that He has given us and behold the joy that it brings! <3

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13 thoughts on ““What Are You Thankful For?” Link-up Party! :D

  1. Joy…..I loved this: “Thankfulness is a daily journey.” How true that is! If we forget to be thankful daily, we sort of lose sight of God’s goodness and faithfulness. Thank you for the encouragement. Grateful to be co-hosting with you. Blessings.

  2. Thank you Joy for this lovely post! I especially liked the words “Thankfulness is a powerful thing. It doesn’t erase the problems in our lives, but it does change the way we view them”. Very true! You need to put that on a pretty picture and it would make a great desktop background :)

    Thank you for co-hostessing this party :) Can’t wait to see you tomorrow!

    1. Dear Hannah,

      I’m glad that you find the post encouraging. :) Thank you for inviting me to the party! I’m so excited to see you and your whole family tomorrow!!! :D

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