We Will Have Light

photo from imgkid.com
photo from imgkid.com

We live in a messed up world, y’all.

I’m reminded of this everyday, with every terrible news report that I happen to hear (though I try not to hear too many), with every heartbreaking story, with every injustice that steals the lives of the innocent, with every tactic of the enemy to destroy what God has called good and holy.

I don’t like to think about these things. I don’t like to let it infiltrate my blog either, because I want this blog to be a place of beauty and joy. But perhaps by admitting that these things weigh heavy on my heart,  I can also share the hope that is within me–the hope that’s within all of us that have our faith in something greater than mankind.

If our faith is in mankind, when we look at reality, we will be depressed. But if our faith is in Yahweh, Almighty, if we truly believe that He sent His only Son to die for us. To redeem us. To restore back to Him even the worst of sinners. Then we will have hope. We will have joy. Because we’ve read the end of the Book. We know that His is the victory.

Even in the darkness, we will have light.

Because every terrible news report shows our desperate need of a Savior.

Every heartbreaking story cries for a Healer.

Every terrible injustice calls for the King of Kings.

It all points us back to Him.

The world will try to bring us down. Fear will try to steal our joy. But hope is calling to us. Waiting for us. Longing for us to reach out and hold His hand. His perfect love casts out fear. His joy is our strength. His peace surpasses all understanding.

This is the hope we have as believers.

I’m thankful for this hope. I’m thankful for the friends and family that remind me of it. I’m thankful for the birds that still sing in the tree tops and the flowers that still bloom each spring. I’m thankful for the continuity of life, despite how much the culture changes around me.

I’m thankful for the Word of Life that never, ever changes., and shows me the paths of life.

I’m thankful for the Light.

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6 thoughts on “We Will Have Light

  1. Joy, I enjoyed your blog and sure do enjoy seeing the faith you have in Yahweh. It is comforting in this troubled world. You are a very big blessing to us. Thanks for thinking of us and others as you do. Hope you have a great time at Jay and Britney’s house. We are praying for all of you. Love you! Janice and Grady

    1. Dear Miss Janice,

      Thank you for your sweet comment. You and Mr. Grady are an encouragement to me! I love your love for Yeshua Messiah! Thank you for all your prayers, and for spending each Sabbath with us. It is a blessing. :)

      Love you too!

  2. Thank you so much for posting that, Joy, as I was in desperate need for some hope, especially the last few weeks. This was such a tremendous encouragement to me.

    1. Emma, I’m so glad that this post could encourage you….I didn’t know what to post this week, but then these words seemed to come so easily, and maybe Yahweh wanted me to share them for you! Also, here’s a wonderful verse that is on my heart tonight:

      “Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you;
      He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.” (Psalm 55:22)

      May you continue to find your hope and joy in Him!

  3. Such a true and wonderful post Joy! I read this last week and your words are exactly what I’ve been feeling … I just could not express my feelings in such a beautiful way;)
    “Even in darkness there is light” … SO true!!!
    I am also thankful for, “the Word of Life that never, ever changes., and shows me the paths of life.”
    Thank you for sharing. And I love that song! Have a blessed week dear friend! <3

    1. Awww…..I’m so glad that the post encouraged you, Sarah! God is so good!!!
      I hope that you have a very blessed week too, sweet friend! :)

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