Ohio’s Beautiful Things


Last week my family traveled to Ohio for our annual family reunion. We have been going to the Hudson family reunions (my mom’s side of the family) for as long as I can remember, though we missed some years. It’s a familiar drive, through the Tennessee mountains, past the picket fences in Kentucky, and along the flat highway lined with cornfields in Ohio. It’s a long drive, but a good one, because there are always memories to be made and lots of  laughter and fun awaiting us.

Along the way,  there were  many beautiful things to add to my journal.
Here’s a few:

Pillow fights!
(This  is what happens when three teen-age siblings share a hotel room, and I happen to be the eldest.) :)

A lady on the elevator who smiled at Faith and me and said, “It’s so nice to see happy faces.”

This book, that made a lovely travel companion


A sign that a farmer put next to his field that said, “Choose life. Your mother did.”

Dad giving random historical trivia

Visiting Uncle Dan & Aunt Rose’s Victorian home in Michigan
(It was built in 1876.)


There were many beautiful things at the reunion too:

Aunt Debbie’s vibrant plants and flowers


This praying mantis must have thought her flowers beautiful too :)
(Thanks, Dad, for spotting it!)


Splashing in the cold water on such a warm weekend


Friendly neighbors across the street sharing their pond with us


More beautiful flowers :)


Taking a walk down the street together and enjoying the country scenery,
including blue spruce trees


Picking off a couple of the needles and smelling the woodsy scent


It was a wonderful weekend

with lots of laughs

adorable babies and toddlers to snuggle

games to play

and memories made


I’m thankful for Uncle Dave and Aunt Debbie who host the reunion each year to bring our family together


I’m thankful for everyone who comes and makes it a celebration

And I’m thankful to Yahweh for family

traveling grace

and Ohio’s beautiful things

“For יהוה  is good; His kindness is everlasting, And His truth, to all generations.”
Psalm 100:5

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4 thoughts on “Ohio’s Beautiful Things

  1. Joy, good to hear from you. Glad you all had a great visit and are safely back in Alabama. Hope to see you this Sabbath. Thanks for such a beautiful journey which is part of your wonderful memories. Love all of you. Janice and Grady Freeland

    1. You’re welcome, Miss Janice. I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures. :) Hope to see you both tomorrow too! Ahavah v’Shalom ~Joy <3

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