Of Backyard Surprises

Rock & Cherry Tree

Sometimes the most delightful surprises are only a few steps away.

You just have to open your eyes to see them.

This happened to me yesterday as I was sitting on the big rock in my backyard (one of my favorite places to read a book). I glanced toward the woods and caught a glimpse of a shady spot that I’d never noticed before.

IMG_7323Jumping off the rock (not from the top of it! ha ha), I ran across the grass to see if it was as delightful as I hoped it would be. Sure enough, the tulip tree branches overhead made a perfect shade from the July sun.


It’s a delightful place to nestle with a notebook and a pen, and start scribbling a poem or two.

Sandles & Sunshine

It’s here, sitting under a canopy of leaves, swatting bugs, and breathing the humidity, that I feel alive. It’s here that I notice the beauty of small things, such as a butterfly landing in my neighbor’s garden, or the comforting feel of having the hard earth beneath me.

Nope…I’m not a hippy.

But I do love creation, because my Maker loves His creation too. He clothes the lilies. Feeds the sparrows. He knows all the stars by name.

Surely it blesses Him when we delight in what He has made.


I’m thankful for my Father’s world today. And also for this song, because it’s true.

Where do you best enjoy Creation?

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4 thoughts on “Of Backyard Surprises

    1. I know you love being out in Yahweh’s creation too, Spud! There’s no doubting we’re brother and sister! :)

  1. Your shady place sounds beautiful Joy! I love standing on a nearly vacant beach and watching the waves continually rolling , tossing and crashing on the shore! Add a sunset to that and … AMAZING!!! I do not get to do that very often though, so I settle for the woods:) Or the garden … I love seeing His creation in the garden!
    Love you dear friend!

    1. Thank you, Sarah!

      Oh…That sounds wonderful…enjoying the peaceful beach! The way you described it, I can see it in my head. :) That’s great that you’ve found ways to enjoy nature closer to home though too. Gardens are definitely a great way to appreciate His creation. And of course, you and I always enjoy smelling those delightful rose bushes when we all go for a walk. :) Love you too, dear friend, & have a blessed week! <3

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