Mighty is Our God in Zion (Israel Pictures & Promises)

the Jezreal Valley

Every trip to Israel is a new experience.

I set off on this past trip without knowing exactly what to expect, yet I knew that it was His trip and I was excited to see what He had in store. The Father had His hand upon this trip from the beginning (in fact, He started aligning circumstances many years ago…but that’s a whole ‘nother amazing story).

Mount Tabor in the distance

This was my first time to fly by myself, but I would connect with friends once I arrived at the airport in Tel Aviv. First, I had to fly from Atlanta to Newark. The thought of  being in the Newark airport, surrounded by thousands of people, and yet being quite alone, made me nervous. One night, as I was feeling overwhelmed at the thought of flying by myself, I felt the Father lay Malachi 3:1 on my heart:

“I will send My messenger before you, who will prepare the way before you.”

It filled me with courage. I wasn’t alone.  He was going before me. My parents were encouraging me in this trip. They would be praying for me. My friends would be praying too. I would be praying. I had nothing to fear.

My travel went smoothly, and I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that the Father answered that verse directly by sending someone to accompany me on the flight over the Atlantic. I sat next to a believer in Yeshua, and we talked for hours about prayer and faith.

so much history here...

This was only the beginning of the many instances where the Father “prepared the way before me.” Every day He showered His love and faithfulness upon me. When I came to Israel  I was thirsting for more of Him, and He filled me with living waters. I came not knowing quite what to expect, and He blew me away with His plans. I came wanting to serve, and He allowed me to sweat under the Golan sun, plucking out weeds in the gardens and singing (I worked alongside an amazing woman of faith who also had a passion for prayer and praise).

It was hard to leave. It’s always hard. But this trip was harder. I connected to Israel on a deeper level. I also got to visit some places that I’d never been before (like “Samaria”–the heartland of Israel).


This land is special in Yahweh’s eyes.

Every promise written in Yahweh’s word will come true. No matter what the news predicts. No matter what the future looks like from our human point-of-view, we can look to the Word of God and know that Israel will be restored (physically and spiritually). We know that there will be (and is!) an ingathering from the North and the South, the East and the West, back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:6). We know that the desert will blossom like a rose (Isaiah 35:1). We can see it happening. We know that salvation (Yeshua) will shine forth out of Zion (Isaiah 62:1).

Ophel Gardens

Mount Hermon

I’ve shared many of my pictures from this trip on Flickr: Israel 2016

I hope that these pictures will bring Israel closer to you today. If you love Israel, then no matter how far away you are from it today, no ocean can separate you. You can still pray. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for the leaders. Pray for the believers and the non-believers. Pray about how you can bless Israel personally. (FYI: Here is a wonderful newsletter that sends out prayer points for Israel every week: Intercessors for Israel).

the lady's side of the Wailing Wall

We live in the days when the “dry bones are coming to life” (Ezekiel 37). We live in the days when the tribes are gathering in Jerusalem once again (Psalm 122).

Our God does not lie.

His promises are true.

Mighty is our God in Zion.

Isaiah 51

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4 thoughts on “Mighty is Our God in Zion (Israel Pictures & Promises)

  1. What a lovely post Joy! Such beautiful pictures and it sounds like an incredible trip. So important to remember that YHWH’s promises are true even when they seem to be impossible to us! I would love to hear more about the work and gardening you did while there! :)

  2. Hello Joy. My name is Kaila. I live in Colorado and I am a follower (and lover) of Yeshua. I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog and you have already inspired me. It’s nice to know that there are other young ladies out there who love Yeshua and support Israel. (It also looks like you wear modest clothing, like skirts… Which I do too and I love that there is someone out there who does as well). I follow you on Pinterest (Kaila B) and I am subscribed to your YouTube channel. My fmaily and I are actually going to Israel this year, which I am so excited about! 1. I didn’t know if you had any tips for me, for Israel. 2. Thank you again for being such an encouraging and inspiration and 3. Maybe sometime we could be pin pals or write emails. It’s hard not having a lot of friends who have the same belief system. God bless and shalom,

    1. Dear Kaila,

      Your comment is such a blessing! :) I’m so glad that you have been encouraged (and how neat that we are Pinterest friends already!) :D I would love to be pen pals or e-mail each other. I looooove to talk about Israel! That is sooo excited about your trip this year! Every trip is such a blessing, and a new experience. I know God has great things in store for you.

      Hope you are having a very blessed day ~ Joy

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