Many Things to Ponder…

Sunshine Through Leaves

Sometimes the Father shows us how fragile we humans are–how completely dependennt we are upon Him. We don’t generally like to be reminded of that truth. We’d much rather be tough and strong, and perfect in every way. But that’s not me, and I’m pretty certain that’s not you either, dear reader.

If my guess is correct, you’re a lot like me. Desperately in need of a Savior. Continually needing reminded of His goodness, His faithfulness, His truth, His Word, His peace that passes all understanding and shatters fear and doubt.

This past month, I’ve been pondering many things. I suppose that’s nothing new for me, but normally I’m more talkative on this lil’ blog. Sometimes though, words don’t seem to be the right thing to say.

Life is amazing, y’all.

We serve an awesome God.

And yet there’s some heartbreaking things that happen in this fallen world. There’s tears that we don’t plan on crying. There’s news reports that we don’t want to hear. There’s battles in our souls that we feel worn out from fighting.

And yet, there’s joy that overtakes our hearts in unspeakable ways.

There’s healing.

There’s friends and family and fellowship that makes the meaning of life deeper.

And there’s hope that can’t be taken away from us.

No matter what.

Because there’s Yeshua.

And He is always near.

Waiting for us to pour our hearts out to Him. Longing to embrace us when we’re crying. Wanting to encourage us when we’re down.

There’s the countless ways that He speaks to our hearts.

There’s the endless miracle of eternal life.

There’s the greatest blessing of knowing Him.

There’s His joy in the sorrow.

His comfort in the pain.

  It seems that every day I grow more amazed at what a blessing it is to breathe the autumn air, to hear the wind howling through the empty treetops, to live in a home surrounded by the ones I love.

Life is a gift.

Life is a mystery.

I’m still pondering that. And I’m pretty certain I always will.

There will always be much to ponder, because I can’t figure Yahweh out. I can’t wrap my mind around His ways. I can’t understand the story He’s writing sometimes.

But I do know Him to be true. I know Him to be faithful. I know Him to be the best at orchestrating lives. The best at healing hearts. The best at anything and everything. Because He is the Master of all.

His Word is final.

His truth is eternal.

And His love is never ending.

In this I have rest.

In this I have peace.

In this I have joy.

What an awesome God we serve.

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4 thoughts on “Many Things to Ponder…

      1. Joy, I enjoyed your blog. You are such a positive person. I believe if someone were depressed, they wouldn’t be for long around you. You know who is in control of things, don’t you? Glad your life is filled with lots of good things, including people. Hope all of you are doing well. We love you! Janice Freeland

        1. Awww….Thank you for this sweet comment, Miss Janice. We serve such an awesome God. You and Mr. Grady are such a blessing to us, and I’m so glad that we get to see y’all each Sabbath. :) Love you too! ~ Joy

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