My goodness, y’all, I don’t know where to begin.
I know it’s been a while since I last posted. Life has been busy and blessed, and I’ve been taking more time to cherish this thing called “life” rather than write about it. Sometimes it’s good to take a break, but I’m looking forward to sharing about the many things that Yahweh has been doing in my life.
A few weeks ago, I had the incredible opportunity of celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) in Jerusalem with some of my family and many friends from around the world.

It was a good trip, with lots of sightseeing and memory making (it was my brother’s first time in the Land.).
It’s hard to describe a trip to Israel. It’s not like a normal “vacation,” because Israel is different than anywhere else in the world. Every time I’m there, it’s life-changing. This time one of the lessons that hit home with me is that I need to be praying for Israel more than I have been.
While I was there I felt the tension in the air. Psalm 122–“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem”–takes on a deeper meaning when I’m standing in its streets, when friends talk of the riots that raged outside their hostel, when an ambulance speeds past, and when news reports are from just up the road.
Since flying back to the States, the tension in Jerusalem has risen drastically. Places where we felt safe a few weeks ago have now been affected by terrorism.
So often in the States, I live my life without standing for Israel like I should. It’s during these times when Israel is in distress that I feel the most unhelpful. But there is one thing I can do–something any of us can do anywhere–pray.
For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent,
for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet,
till her righteousness shines out like the dawn,
her salvation like a blazing torch. (Isaiah 62:1)
During my Bible reading, the promises to Israel have been jumping off the pages. Yahweh has made a covenant with Israel, and He never breaks his covenants. He has promised to give the Land of Israel to the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob forever; and He is faithful to His Word. He has not forgotten His Land, and we shouldn’t either.
But I want to do more than just pray for Israel. And as I seek the Father, surely He’ll show me what to do. He has ways for all of us to stand for the Promise Land.
It is by His strength that Israel will become all that He has promised it to be.
“But be glad and rejoice forever in what I will create,
for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and its people a joy.
I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people;
the sound of weeping and of crying
will be heard in it no more.
(Isaiah 65:18-19)
I long for the day when Yeshua Messiah brings peace to Jerusalem.
Those who trust in יהוה are like Mount Zion,
which cannot be shaken but endures forever.
As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
So יהוה surrounds his people
both now and forevermore.”
(Psalm 125:1-2)
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Let those who love you be at rest.”
(Psalm 122)
Joy, glad you had the opportunity to visit Israel. I know you felt a lot of history while you were there. Thanks for sharing with us! We are blessed to have such good friends who love Yeshua. You will have a lot to tell your family when you are blessed to be married to the man Yahweh would have you to be. Hope your baby sitting is coming o.k. Praying for you and family. Hold fast to what our Lord has given you. It is such a treasure you have found so hold all of it close to your heart. ahava, Janice
Dear Miss Janice,
You and Mr. Grady are such a blessing to us too! Thank you so much for all your prayers and encouragement, and I look forward to seeing you on Sabbath! :) Ahava~Joy
That flower is incredible! Beautiful pictures Joy!
Thanks, Taylor! I loved photographing the flowers over there. :)
That is so amazing! I have never been to Israel, just my Dad in 2012 with Ha Yovel. Mr. Keidar and Mr. John Enerson stayed at our house several months ago when they came through on a speaking tour… I would have loved to go!
Dear Emma,
You will have to go to Israel someday. I know that you will love it! :)