Having Childlike Faith on Election Day


This morning the 22-month-old little girl that I babysit came running up to my doorstep as cheerful as ever. As I swept her up in my arms and greeted her, I thought about how today is election day and how amazing it must be to be a toddler without a care in the world.

As we took a walk around the neighborhood, she swung her arms with her chin held high, exclaiming about the trees and the neighborhood dogs that she saw and singing a song.

I was reminded of Yeshua’s words about having faith like a child.

And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3)

Of course, as adults we have the responsibility to take action in our country, but as children of God we have to remember to trust in Him above all else.

We need childlike faith to trust that we are provided for, cherished, and protected by or heavenly Father.

I voted

Whatever the election holds, let’s not lose that childlike faith.

Let’s keep recognizing the beauty in the world, and trusting in our Father to supply all our needs.

Let’s learn from a toddler, and remember that…

“This is the day that Yahweh has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24)


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6 thoughts on “Having Childlike Faith on Election Day

  1. Joy, thanks for you blog. We all need to be as little children when we look to Yahweh. Enjoyed seeing Kiley and her picture. Bet you and she have a good time. Grady and I are praying the Lord’s will on the election. We know He knows what is best. Our nation has been bad and we deserve whatever we get but we know our Lord has grace too. Wish our land could be healed and one day it will be. Praying for the children to be getting rid of their poison oak. Remember to pray for Marcia’s grandson who will be having an operation tomorrow on his spine. We will be remembering you tomorrow and hope you have a blessed day on your day even if we don’t celebrate. Love you, Joy, Janice, Grady

    1. Aww….thank you so much for your comment, Miss Janice. I’m so glad that the blog post could be a blessing to you today. It’s such a blessing to know that you & Mr. Grady are praying for our nation! So thankful that we serve the King of Kings! Thank you for the reminder of Miss Marcia’s prayer request for her grandson. Also….thank you for your prayers for my family, and I pray that you have a very blessed day tomorrow & a great year to come! Love in Messiah! ~ Joy :)

  2. Good stuff! You might be interested in my “Choosing A Leader”, written on this very subject. I joined your blog. You (and your Story) are indeed a JOY. Blessings upon you and yours,
    Len at Gloryteller.com
    A fellow southerner in Arkansas

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