
One day in 2013, I had an idea.

For a while I had been blogging. First I had a recipe blog, then I had a knitting  blog, but eventually I discovered that neither one of them interested me anymore. I’d found a love for writing and music, and I wanted to share my new creations with the world. What I needed was a blog where I could share my previous adventures and my future ones too–a blog where I’d have the freedom to share the many things that I loved.

That’s when Blog of Joy was created.

Due to the wide range of subjects that I post about, my blog can be a bit confusing to navigate at first. If you’re new to it, then perhaps you’d like to click on a topic that interests you.


I love to share what God is doing in my life. He’s my joy, my hope, and my best friend (here’s my testimony: My Story). You will also find me co-blogging on Sisters on Our Knees.


I love sharing my favorite songs and how music inspires me. You can  find some of my piano songs and covers on my YouTube channel Joy Morgan, and also find me blogging about piano teaching at Piano with Joy.


Israel is my favorite place in the world. I am so thankful to Yahweh for allowing me to visit the Promised Land, and I love to share the stories from my travels there.


Knitting has been a pastime of mine for many years now. I’ve shared many of my patterns on this blog and on Ravelry.


My love for writing is something that I’ve discovered over the past few years. I enjoy writing both fiction and non-fiction, and also share my poems on the Cherry Tree Poet.


One of my favorite places to be is in the kitchen. I’ve created many recipes over the years that I try to make both healthy and delicious. All my recipes are soy-free and many are either vegetarian or dairy-free. I also share favorite recipes of my family’s recipe blog: bev.321baking.com 

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16 thoughts on “About

  1. Please tell me how to print only the picture and instructions for making the Kimono slippers. I wish to share these instructions with my Gifted Hands knitting group of ladies doing charitable knitting for cancer patients of all ages. The Kimono slippers would be perfect to go with the chemo hats that we make for patients receiving chemotherapy at various hospitals and oncology offices in Gig Harbor and Tacoma, WA.

    1. I have now attached a print button at the bottom of each post. After clicking on the “printer” icon, you will have to select to print only the first 2 pages of the pattern, otherwise it will print all the comments too. I hope this enables you to share my pattern with your knitting group. :) Happy knitting!

  2. on the kimono slippers, the abreviation sssk. please tell me what that stands for thank you ever so much. i am going to start my slippers in front of the fire this evening.
    have a great week end, kind regards, Esme Meyer.

    1. Hello Esme,
      sssk meaning (slip, slip, slip knit). It decreases two stitches at a time. (You may be familiar with the more often used ssk decrease. This one is just an extra stitch being decreased). If you’d like to learn more about sssk, here is a great how-to tutorial I’ve found for you on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mY8CXLJRv-8
      Knitting by the fire sounds lovely! Feel free to contact me if you have any more questions. Happy knitting!

  3. Hello,
    I saw your beautiful waterfall picture of En Gedi. We have a ministry (Engedi Ministries International, Inc.). We are in the process of updating our website and I would love to use your photo in our website. Will you give your permission for us to use the image?

    Thank you and many blessings!

  4. Oh, so delightful to ”meet” you, Joy! I just read your article on Ann Judson in the most recent Shining Stars magazine and decided to hope over to say hello… I look forward to visiting with you again… With love and joy in our Lord,

    1. So nice to meet you too, Kelly-Anne! :) I remember you from SSM as well! :) Thank you so much for stopping by, and I hope you have a very blessed week!! <3

  5. Re your pattern Ribbed Hat using Homespun, published May 29,2009
    Instructions: #4 -#9-#10-#13-#17 all say decrease but not how many stitches.
    #18 and #19 say decrease in each stitch, do you mean k2tog until the end?
    Thanks, looking forward for some directions as I am knitting hats for kids and would
    like to make this pattern!

    1. Hello Rita,

      Yes, the decrease in the Ribbed Hat pattern is k2tog. It always makes me happy to hear of people using these patterns. I wrote them years ago though, so if any more questions come up, please ask. (I’ve updated the pattern now with the info on the k2tog.) Happy knitting!

  6. I am a pianist and have taught off and on since 2001. I was a worship leader before I was a pastor. Technically, I’m still leading worship until God sends us someone who will do this so I can focus on being the pastor and reaching out to our community. We have been in existence for 6 months, so we would appreciate your prayers. You have a great blog and a beautiful testimony! God bless you!

    1. Thank you for sharing, Matthew. I will be praying for God to spend y’all a worship leader. In the meantime, that’s great that you’re able to lead them. :)

      God bless!

        1. Thank you, Matthew. Yes, some of them I composed, but I don’t have any printed arrangements available. I’m sorry! Thank you for asking though.

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