Tomorrow Isn’t Promised

So many thoughts have been running through my mind, and culminating in a headache.

Maybe the headache wasn’t related to all the pondering I’ve been doing. Maybe it was the fact that I need a hair cut and wearing my long hair up might have been giving me the headache (okay, so you probably don’t care about the details). But I do hold to the conviction that God speaks to us in our everyday lives. And He spoke to me through the headache, reminding me that I can’t figure this life out on my own.

I don’t have all the answers.

I don’t know what tomorrow holds.

In fact, tomorrow isn’t even promised. And that leads to some tough questions.

If tomorrow doesn’t come, have I lived a life worth mentioning in the light of eternity?

Have I given all I could?

Or have I held back, not feeling the urgency to live every day fully for the glory of God.

Have I desired the comfort of an easy life, more than the comfort of the God who daily carries our burdens?

Have I even thought seriously about eternity?

All these questions we can ask ourselves. Maybe we have some great answers, or maybe we have some great excuses, but what answers do our lives give to these questions?

I once heard someone say, “You might not live what you confess, but you will live what you believe.”

My life shows what I believe and Who I believe in. And it’s not always the right things. It’s not always solely focused on Him.

But the gospel assures me that redemption has called me His own. My life is no longer mine; it’s crucified with Him. His Holy Spirit will guide me. In His love He will prune me. This isn’t easy, but it’s the truth. And truth always sets people free.

What if tomorrow does come?

Will we live it any differently than today?

His mercies are new every morning.

Let’s embrace each morning as a new start, a gift from above, and an opportunity to share His love with this hurting world.

We only have one life.

Let’s live it.

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12 thoughts on “Tomorrow Isn’t Promised

  1. Never before has ‘anyone’ so precisely and candidly blogged my heart, exactly how I feel about life and God’s Word for our lives. Bless you sweet girl for staying faithful to God’s Word and sharing it steadfastly for ‘we feeble of faith’.

    1. I’m thankful God used this post to bless you so much, Mr. Roger. What a comfort to know that He is strong in our weakness, and works all things for His glory.

  2. Joy, enjoyed your blog. You, for a young person have really lived a lot of miles. You understand what a lot of older people don’t. Would love to see what your life is like in the future. Praying that whoever you marry will be really connected to Yahweh as you are. You surely have enough experience with children so that won’t be a problem.

    You, Joy, have a lot of love to give and you have a lot of grace also. I would say you are pretty well rounded. We all lack in something and that is why we need Yahweh. He can complete us. Hope your headaches are gone and praying for you and all that Yahweh has to give you and use you like you wish to be used for his service. We love you, Janice, Grady

    1. Dear Miss Janice,

      Thank you so much for your very sweet comment. I miss you two, and hope we can see you soon! You are very kind…..I know I can trust Yahweh with my future, though I don’t know what it is yet. May He receive all the glory! Thank you for being so supportive and loving. You are a bright light for Yeshua. We miss you at Bible study, but are thankful that Mr. Grady can have this opportunity for his health. May Yahweh bless you both this week… Love you! ~ Joy

      P.S. And…thank you! :) My headache is gone.

  3. Dear Joy!
    That a wonderful post, it sure got me thinking, and I did need it alot! Thank you so much!♥♥♥
    ~Susannah K.~

    1. Dear Susannah,

      I’m so glad that it could be a blessing to you! You you for your sweet comment. May you have a very blessed week, sister! :)

  4. I love Danny Gokey’s music! And, yes! We need to live this life well because we only have one! Thanks so much for sharing this hope with us at #MomentsofHope!
    Blessings and smiles,

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