I don’t know what my future will look like.
But I know this much–I want to live a life of simplicity.
Simplicity means walking with my Savior day by day, allowing Him to lead me through life.
It means letting go of my complicated worries and trusting His perfect plan.
It means getting rid of what’s crowding out my life–all the unnecessary wants and desires and fears–to focus on what matters.
It means delighting in simple things, because sometimes those are the most important things.
It doesn’t mean that life will be easy–because, let’s be honest, it isn’t–but it means that it will be livable by His strength.
There’s nothing wrong with big dreams and big accomplishments, but those only come after a lot of simple things have been done. Day to day life is full of simple victories. Every time we choose to do the right thing or speak the right words, we have done something great.
And perhaps one day, we’ll see how all the simple things we did each day were bigger than we’d ever dreamed.
What do you think?