
A photo from a few years back. Some things never change.

While I listened to Restless Ones by Josh Garrels and baked Double Chocolate Muffins in the kitchen today, I pondered what I should post about. It’s been a while since I’ve written about my life, so here’s a bit of what I’ve been up to.

As I shared in my post “10,000 Reasons: A Thankfulness Challenge for 2014” I have been busy discovering the many things that I am thankful for each day. I haven’t missed a day of the challenge yet, although it does seem to be getting harder as the months go by. But all in all, I’m glad to be keeping a thankfulness journal. It helps me capture the special moments of each day and encourages me to look at the world through more observant and grateful eyes.

If I see something beautiful, such as a woodpecker on a tree or wisps of powdery snow falling from the roof, I write it down. Sometimes I have to be creative. And I’ll admit that I’ve even written down “white blood cells.” (My brother gave me a hard time over that one.)

Looking back at the things that I’ve written brings back memories already. I’m also excited to have family members and friends joining me in this challenge. Whether their goal is 1,000 or 10,000, I’m thrilled that they’re doing it too.

Besides writing in my thankfulness journal, I have my usual activities to keep me occupied–Krav Maga, cooking, baking, reading, writing, school, and piano (yes, I still play piano–quite a bit actually–I just haven’t gotten around to recording any songs lately).

And now for a peek into my thankfulness journal.  Here are some things that I’m thankful for right now (the notes after the entries are not in my journal):

#710: Gilbert. Let me introduce you to our family’s pet goldfish named Gil. As of today, Gil has been with us for one month. He spends his days happily wiggling in his watery habitat, moving the marbles at the base of his home, and gulping loudly at the top of the water. We think he’s adorable. I suppose we’re easily amused.

#821: My Guitar. Lately I’ve been spending more time with my guitar. On warmer days, I enjoy taking it outside, sitting down by the large rock in our backyard,  and strumming away.

#1,094: Figure Skating. If figure skating was the only sport at the Sochi Olympics this year, I wouldn’t have complained. Whether it was ice dancing or figure skating, I watched almost all of it!

#1,168: Blessings. The song “Blessings” by Laura Story has been in my heart lately. I enjoy playing it on the piano and singing it. Love that song!

#1,471: The Secret Keeper. I’ve been reading Beverly Lewis’ latest Amish novel “The Secret Keeper.” It’s good to read some fiction for a change.

#1,606: Mexican Casserole. Guess what greeted me when I came home after two classes of Krav Maga last night? Mexican Casserole. It was just what my starving belly was craving. I devoured it. There was nothing left to photograph, but fear not, I’ll be making it again and posting the recipe before long.

So there you have it–a glimpse into my little life!


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4 thoughts on “Thankfulness

  1. I’m so glad you’ve been able to keep up with the blessing journal. I know that when you look back over it, you’ll be amazed at the number of things that have transpired over the course of one year. And if you hadn’t written them down, you’d never remember all of the blessings!

    I must admit though, I laughed quite loudly when I read “white blood cells.” That’s quite hilarious, yet, in all truthfulness, it’s definitely something to be thankful for!

    1. Thanks, Jay! Mom laughed out loud at the mention of “white blood cells” too. :) They definitely are important though! :)

  2. Woohoo! I’m sorry to admit, I have waaaaaay slacked off on the thankfulness journal the last couple of weeks. At first I was super discouraged, but then I realized “Wait a second, it’s not like thankfulness is just about finding ten thousand things this year — it’s about cultivating a thankful heart all the time! Because Father is so faithful, ALL THE TIME.” And because I did it hardcore for a little bit, now I’m so much more conscious of how many things there are to be thankful for every day. Life is just so full of good things! So I might not get to ten thousand this year (maybe I should join the 3-per-day club ;) ) but it’s still taught me so much. And I love reading yours! Hooray for white blood cells!
    Also, I really really should go write you an email. Love you, dear!

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