Kimono Slippers

(size small featured in above picture)

Skill Level: intermediate
Stitches used: cast on, bind off, knit, purl, sssk, k3t
Abbreviations: slip slip slip knit (sssk), knit three together (k3t), knit (k), purl (p)
Measures: 8” (9”, 10”) long, women’ sizes small (medium,  large)
Gauge: in k1, p1 ribbing, 6 stitches untstretched (3 sts fully stretched) and 5 rows = 1”


  • 1 skein Red Heart Soft Yarn Solid, grass green – 256 yds (100% acrylic)
  • size 8 knitting needles
  • yarn needle

-Pattern- (make 2)

  1. Cast on 15 ( 17, 19) stitches, *p1, k1,* till there is one stitch left, p1. (right side)
  2. *K1, p1,* till there is one stitch left, k1. (wrong side)
  3. Continue in set ribbing pattern till piece measures 8” (9”, 10”). (ending on a wrong side row)
  4. At beginning of row, cast on 27 (31, 35) stitches, *k1, p1,* to end. [42 (48, 54) stitches]
  5. At beginning of row, cast on 27 (31, 35) stitches, *p1, k1,* till 1 stitch left, p1. [69 (79, 89) stitches]
  6. *K1, p1,* till there is one stitch left, k1. (right side)
  7. *P1, k1,* till there is one stitch left, p1. (wrong side)
  8. Repeat numbers six and seven 4 (5, 6) times. (ending on a wrong side row)
  9. *K1, p1,* for 28 (32, 36) stitches, sssk, work ribbing for 7 (9, 11) stitches,  k3t, *p1, k1,* to end. [65 (75, 85) stitches] (right side)
  10. *P1, k1,* till there is one stitch left, p1. (wrong side)
  11. *K1, p1,* for 28 (32, 36) stitches, sssk, work ribbing for 3 (5, 7) stitches, k3t, *p1, k1* to end. [61 (71, 81) stitches]
  12. Repeat number 10.
  13. Bind off in ribbing stitch.
  • Sew slippers according to the diagram and additional pictures below. (click on pictures to enlarge) Reverse sewing for the opposite slipper.
  1. Sew G to D.
  2. Sew A over G & D.
  3. Sew B to C.
  4. Sew F to E.

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93 thoughts on “Kimono Slippers

  1. Repeat numbers 2 and 3 till piece measures 8” (9”, 10”)… there is nothing in 3!!! and which part of the foot will the first stiches go to?? heel? if in the heel why do you make it for 9″?

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. I fixed the repeat problem. The first cast on stitches (number 1 in pattern) is the toe of the slipper. When you cast on stitches after working ribbing for 8″/9″/10″, the cast on edge of the newly cast on stitches later is sewn to the side of the 8″/9″/10″ ribbing strip. The rows you knit on the newly casted on stitches are later sewn to the first cast on edge (number 1 in pattern). I hope this helps you. I posted photos at the end of the pattern on how to sew it together.

  2. I think that these slippers are fantastic, but I am having a little bit of trouble wrapping my head around the shaping. The second set of cast on sts (step 4) makes sense to widen the piece, but what about the third set (step 5). This would begin a “T” shape in the piece that is not evident in the photos. Also, this would put 69 sts (for size small) on the needles. I may not be reading the pattern correctly… If you understand my concerns and can help clarify them, it would be greatly appreciated because I really, really want to use your pattern. Thanks.

    1. The shaping of these slippers are a hard to understand at first. I will be working on getting a diagram of how to sew it together soon, since it is hard to type out. :) First off, yes, you did read the pattern correctly, it is supposed to make a “T” shape. You do cast on both sets of new stitches, and should have a total of 69 (79, 89) stitches after step 5. The first set of cast on stitches (step 4) are later sewn to one side of the 8″(9″, 10″) part of the slipper, that you already knitted. The second set of cast on stitches (step 5) are later sewn to the other side of the 8″(9″, 10″) part. This will form the sides of the slipper, with the k3t and sssk in steps 9 & 11 in the center back, forming the heel. To sew the toe, you sew the rows (steps 6-13) of the cast on stitches in steps 4 & 5 to the first cast on stitches in step 1. I hope this helps make the pattern more clear to you. I appreciate your comment, and let me know if you have anymore questions.

  3. Thanks for this original pattern!

    As I read it I am mystified about the purpose of the sssk and the k3tog in row nine. It seems that it must have something to do with shaping the heel, but my imagination doesn’t reach far enough to figure out what.

    Does anyone know? Thanks.

    1. Yes, the sssk and k3tog in number 9 do help in shaping the heel. If you have anymore questions, please let me know. This pattern is hard to understand at first. ;)

  4. Thanks, Joy.

    I’m just about finished with my first slipper and it is making sense as it takes shape. On my next pair I think I’ll try using circular needles and instead of casting on I’ll pick up stitches along the edge of the sole. You’ve really inspired my imagination with this pattern.

    1. I am so glad you are understanding the pattern now. Picking up stitches is a great idea! I might try that sometime too! :)

  5. Hi Joy, I’m knitting the 9th line. The way it is written it seems to go out of the ribbing pattern after the sssk. Is that what it should do?

    1. The ribbing is supposed to stay the same. I would suggest just working 1 less or 1 more stitch to get the ribbing even. ;)

  6. Hey Joy, sorry for so many questions.

    I’m still messing with lines 9 and 11. Is there supposed to be a decrease in the sssk? The k3t makes a nice right leaning decrease which leads me to wonder if the sssk should also have a psso (pass slipped stitches over) included with it. That would make a left leaning decrease which would compliment the k3t.

    I know, I’m kind of anal at times about symmetry. I apologize in advance for my denseness.

    1. Thank you for your suggestion. I have found that I like the affect of the sssk, but the psso would definitely work too! :) Feel free to expand and make your own advancements to my pattern. :)

  7. Does 28 stitches in lines 9 and 11 hold true for the larger sizes? Are the decreases to be centered?


    1. Sorry, that was a mistake in my pattern. I have adjusted the stitches so that they are accurate now. Thank you so much for pointing that out to me. I appreciate it. :)

  8. Item No. 8 says: Repeat numbers seven and eight 5 (6, 7) times. Should it be six and seven, or am I reading it wrong? 8 is not a pattern row…?

  9. Re my previous comment, my daughter would like to make them, and I want to be sure I understand the pattern myself so I can help her if needed. She’s asked my opinion as to skill level (hers). Thanks…

    1. Thank you bunches for your comments! I’m so sorry! I fixed my errors in the pattern. Yes, you are supposed to repeat numbers 6 and 7 not 8. Please let me know if you find any more mistakes. :)

    1. Thanks for your comment. I have recently posted a diagram at the bottom of my pattern and instructions stating step by step details of how to sew these tricky little slippers. I hope between the pictures and diagram information my pattern will be more understandable for you. :)

  10. This pattern is shaping up beautifully, thankyou so much for the pattern. I’m up to number 11 (I see, no 9, now on your updated pattern – I had to undo that row because, like Given has mentioned, it is written it seems to go out of the ribbing pattern after the sssk.
    So I will change like you suggested, but may I suggest you update that part in the pattern too.
    many thanks, Emily

  11. oh, from my previous message it is no 9 and 11 that the pattern goes out after the sssk.
    To make it correct in the pattern, I had to do it:

    9. *K1, p1,* for 28 stitches, sssp, *k1, p1* 3 times, k1, p3t, *k1, p1,* till there is one stitch left, k1.

    11. *K1, p1,* for 28 stitches, sssp, k1, p1, k1, p3t, *k1, p1* till there is one stitch left, k1.

  12. Hi Joy, (reposting as me/June) since i’m already moderated)

    Just starting the slippers & fortunately have my Mum (June) here as back up. We’ve a question about #4 as she’s showing me how to do it once I get to that point. Concern is, having cast on 35 stitches, then *k1, p1* to beginning of previously knitted portion, throws off the ribbing alignment already created….any suggestions have we misunderstood something?
    Many thanks!

  13. I started making these slippers, by going by the wonderfully explained directions, that i had at the time, I began to see a T shape forming, i looked at the pics that i had and didnt see the T shape in the pics, i thought i was doing something wrong until I came back here today and seen the new pics that were put up, I said whewwwwww i am doing it right. Thanks so much for adding the new pic with the T shape.

    1. Oh, I’m so glad you figured it out. I know this pattern is hard to understand at first. I am very thankful for everyones comments to help me make my pattern better and more understandable. :)

  14. Thanks for another great pattern.
    I am making a few pair for the rehab facility patients. They will love them!~!!
    They treasure anything that is given to them, especially something hand make.

  15. I’m working on #9 and find I have 76 stiches not 75, also “sssk” does the yarn (k) come in front of the 3sss”s?

  16. Just finished one slipper for my husband, it was really easy to make and easy directions to follow. I know I will be making more pairs in the near future, they are super cute.

  17. Hi!
    Thank you for such a cute pattern and for all of your work. I just started knitting a couple of months ago, so I am still unsure of a couple of things. Regarding #8 in the pattern. It says to repeat steps 6 and 7, 4 times. Am I supposed to knit 2 rows each of steps 6 and 7. Or, knit 4 rows each of steps 6 and 7. I’m sure if I had knitted longer I’d automatically know.
    Thanks for any help!

    1. Thanks for your comment. After knitting rows 6 and 7, you are supposed to repeat those two rows 4 more times. (8 more rows)

  18. I want to make these, but I’ve just learned to knit and have been making socks with the heel, using only the knit and purl stitches. This looked so easy until I started reading the directions and I don’t think I can follow. Can you make a video? :) That would be super! My cousin is teaching me… and she’s Finnish and I’m American, so she has to show me and cannot read the instructions either.
    Perhaps I should keep looking…. they just looked so cute!

  19. I LOOOOOVE these slips! I’m a self taught knitter so there are a lot of things I just don’t get, but this pattern is super easy. I made them for my mother and m- in – law for Mother’s day, and everyone’s clammering for some now that I think I’ll make them for Christmas. Oh, and I knitted 2 rounded hourglass shape, put a little memory foam in the middle of em and sewed ’em into the bottom of the slippers. SUPER Ccomfy. I also added beads and flowers to them. These look great on their own AND they make a great “canvas pattern.” Thank you so much for this pattern.

    1. P1 means purl 1 stitch, and k1 means knit 1 stitch. The asterisk (*) before and after the p1, k1 simply means to repeating purling 1 stitch and then knitting 1 stitch till you are to the last stitch of the row, then you will work 1 more purl stitch. The right side in parenthesis (right side), means that when you are working that row, the right side of the slipper will be facing you. (the right side is the outside of the slipper, and the wrong side is the inside of the slipper) I hope with helps you. :)

  20. I want to make these for my son who wears a size 10 shoe. What’s the best way to add on proportionately to accomodate a larger men’s size? Also, they’d need to be a bit wider, right?

    1. Elizabeth, I would estimate for the width of the slipper, to cast on about 21 stitches. The ribbing makes it very stretchy though, so I wouldn’t worry about the width too much. The rule that I use for estimating how long to make the slippers, is I work the ribbing pattern until it is as long as the recipient’s foot length. (see number 3 in pattern) Next, for numbers 4 & 5 I would suggest casting on 39 stitches at the beginning of each row. Be careful not to cast on too many stitches, because you want the slippers will be snug. You can continue with the pattern to number 8. Instead of repeating numbers six & seven 4 (5, 6) times, I would suggest repeat six & seven 7 times. Then you can continue with the rest of the pattern. I hope this will work for you!

  21. I’d like to contact you about permission to post (on Ravelry) a modified version of your design.

    Your slippers have inspired me :D

  22. I have a huge question with this pattern. For Rows 4-5, do i cast on a set of 35 stitches separately? I am guy who learned to knit 7 years, and i love it. Its a way of keeping me sane and i love to make stuff for my family and friends. i really love this pattern since i love Japanese Art, i thought this pattern was really cool. :)

    1. You cast on 35 stitches separately. In other words, you cast on 35 extra stitches, and then finish that row by working k1, p1, ribbing on all the stitches to the end of the row. Then, on the next row you cast 35 stitches again, and work p1, k1, ribbing on all the stitches to the end of the row.

  23. Hi, instructions great and followed with no problems. I’m just stuck on the final sewing together. You say sew G and D together and sew A over G and D, but there are no labels A and G on your diagram. I’ve tried to work it out withou that but cant! Can you help?!

  24. This is an adorable pattern! I was thinking of making a version of these for my boyfriend, and I was wondering how you recommend increasing the size. He wears a men’s 11. I thought I’d try just increasing as you did for s, m, and l one more by the same interval. so, for example, CO 21 because for every size, the number of CO stitches increases by 2 (15, 17, 19, 21). And then I’d just do that same concept throughout the pattern. What do you think?

  25. Those slippers are amazing. I’m quite new in knitting and now I’m in the middle of a baby blanket. I’m almost 9 months pregnant and I would love to knit slippers like that to my baby. I wonder how many stitches would I cast on for a baby size? Thanks for sharing the pattern, it’s amazing!!!

  26. That was going to be my question. How can this be adapted for a baby size? I’m pregnant and I would love to knit a pair for my baby and my nieces.
    Thanks for sharing the pattern.

  27. Hello! I can not understand how these sew together. It seems no matter how I fold them, it doesn’t look like yours. Is there a video of how to fold them so I can watch exactly how its done?? I’m trying to make these for my mother in law and I’d love to get them done before Mothers Day. Thank you!

  28. Thank you for the easiest slipper pattern I’ve seen on the web.I’ll be in a snow area at Christmas and a few of these will be with me. Have sent the pattern to my daughter who is an avid knitter. Happy knitting.

  29. In the Photos posted on the pattern link page you have the green slippers then another pair with thicker edging and a bow on each slipper. The second pair I was interested in making. Could you post the alterations in that pattern for me please? Thanks!

    1. I did not knit the other pair of slippers that are shone. But, the knitter said that she did an “i-cord bind off”, instead of a regular bind off. The bow can be made by crocheting a strip of chain stitch, knotting it into a bow, and sewing it on. :)

  30. I have a “T” knitted but cannot see the letters on the diagram to know what is sewn to where.
    Thank you for such a cute pattern!

  31. Love this pattern…thanks so much for it,going to make up more for christmas pressies. Mabe just because you’ve added photos to sew together or not,but i find this very easy to understand,just saw early posts where people couldn’t understand. I think its a easy cool gift idea.Thanks again.

  32. I am in the process of making these and I need a size 11 so I am attempting to “upsize” the pattern by following the same increases as between the other sizes. For example when CO you either do 15, 17 or 19 and I did 21 AND on #4 I am going to CO 39 stitches. I will let you know how it turns out.

  33. Hi I love your pattern. Just finished the pair but wondering what the best way to stitch it together – should I stitch the edges together like sewing pieces together(ie one on top of each other) or like I am joining two edges (ie edges flush to each other)?

    1. Thank you! I stitched my slippers edge to edge inside out (that way the seams aren’t on the outside). I hope that helps you. :)

  34. This is such a cute pattern. I hope I can make the slippers for a toddler by using smaller needles & felting — they will look so cute with the kimomo sweater I’m making. You are an angel for sharing your original pattern. Thank you.

  35. I am also a self taught knitter and I want to be clear about something. After I cast on 15 stitches and measure 8 inches Do I bind those stitches off before I start casting on the 27 stitches in row 4? I’m not sure how else I would do it. Which part of the T is the 8 inch section?

    1. Hello Sandy,

      You do not bind off the 15 stitches. (btw, the 8″ section is the stem portion of the T not the top portion). After you have reached 8″, begin step 4 where you cast on 27 stitched in addition to the 15 you already have. If you are not familiar with how to do this than you can check out this how-to video that I found for you: Let me know if you have any more questions, and I will try to answer them. Happy knitting!

  36. That makes more sense to me. I’m a visual person, so once I watched the tutorials I could see what you meant. Thank you! I’ll let you know how they turn out.

  37. I have one slipper almost complete. It’s so cute. I know what people will be getting for Christmas. Thank you for such a cute pattern, and for directing me to the tutorials.

  38. would love to make these….is there a modified pattern that works, after all the comments on changes that need to be made?

    1. Great question! I have adjusted the pattern with the comments that I’ve gotten, so this is the “updated” pattern. Happy knitting! :) And please let me know if you have any additional questions.

  39. I’ve found if you have (or can get your hands on) the picks that used to be used with brush rollers for your hair, they work quite well in holding pieces in place while you’re joining/seaming them.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Melissa. If you click on the diagram picture you’ll see it enlarged and the A and G will then be visible.

      Happy Knitting! :)

  40. I just have a few construction questions.

    When completed as the T shape, sides C and E should be the same length. Also, sides B and F should be the same length.

    Are sides B, C, E and F supposed to all be the same length, or are B and F supposed to be a little shorter than C and E?

    If they are supposed to be different lengths, then must B and F be stretched to fit C and E when they are sewn together? Does this then pull the sewn toe up and over the front of the foot a bit?

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you for your well-written comment, Julie. :)

      B & F are a bit shorter than C & E. It will need to stretch a bit, but since it’s ribbing, it’ll work well. And yes, the front seam may be a bit under the foot, but mostly it depends on how the slipper fits the foot.

      Happy knitting!

  41. I am attempting to make the slippers in the medium size. I’ve already sewn together G to D and A to D. I feel like there is a lot more heel in mine compared to the pictures. When I sew the sides, should there be a fold in C/E for a heel?

    1. Hello KT,
      B and F are a little shorter than C and E, so that the slippers will stay on well. Feel free to alter the pattern as needed for best fit.

      Happy Knitting!

      ~ Joy

  42. I know this is an older post, so I am not sure if you will see this comment or not, but I had to leave one :D I found your blog through searching for a kimono baby bootie pattern, and this one came up….I quickly realized that it was written for adults, but by then, I was busy looking through through your blog. And every page I would click on would make me wonder more who was the author behind this beautiful corner of the internet. Then I found your page you wrote about your testimony, and in reading it, I realized more and more what a special area in cyberspace you occupy =)

    I saw where you moved to Alabama from Florida — I have no idea if you still live there. But one thing that kept me clicking is that I also live in the Heart of Dixie. You seem to be good friends with your sisters, which is something that is rare. You stand up and speak out (and beautifully so!) for the unborn.

    This is truly a beautiful blog, and as soon as I have sent this comment, I will figure out how to follow it :D I am looking forward to reading more of your posts!

    In Christ,

    1. Dear Kaitlyn,

      I am sorry I have not replied to your message yet. In all honestly, I haven’t checked in on comments in months.

      Lately the Lord has been placing on my heart to write again. Life has been so busy, that writing has been on the back burner. He keeps sending reminders to me that when I testify of Him in writing, it really does glorify Him and He uses it. Reading your comment really encouraged and touched my heart. Thank you!

      Back in May I got married, and became a stay at home wife and mother (my husband has a 5 year old). To say the least this has been the busiest three months of my life, but also so very blessed. Becoming an adoptive mother has been the most challenging and amazing thing I’ve ever experienced! I look forward to testifying of the Lord’s goodness on this blog.

      And, yes! I still live in the Heart of Dixie. :) Just moved a town over when I married my hubby.

      May God bless you abundantly, my sister in Christ!

      ~ Joy

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