Keeping a Prayer Journal

Keeping a Prayer Journal

A little while back I shared about the power of prayer, and some scriptural reasons to pray. The Father has been showing me, over and over this year, how important prayer is. He’s been convicting me to pray about more aspects of my life, and to “not be anxious in anything, but in everything through prayer and supplication, let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:7)

Psalm 116:2 painting:
photo from

Keeping a prayer journal is a wonderful way to remember prayer requests and to build a prayer strategy.

As far as choosing a notebook, I’ve found that a three-ring binder is a great option. I’ve used a regular notebook for a prayer journal if it’s only focused on one subject, but when it comes to a book with multiple prayer requests, a three-ring binder is excellent for organization.

Three-ring Binder

Benefits of using a three-ring binder:

  1. You can rearrange the pages as desired. (If I fill a sheet of paper with prayers for a certain person, I can move a blank page to the next spot and keep writing.)
  2. You can add prayer guides that you’ve printed online. Simply hole-punch them.
  3. You can store pictures of people to pray for in the pockets on the inside of the binder.

Writing down prayers definitely has it’s benefits. Sometimes I forget what I’ve prayed for people in the past, and then I’m not as likely to see how Yahweh answered those prayers. But when they’re written down, I can see exactly what I prayed and how He answered.

Here is a fictional sample that I’ve written as an example to get your creativity flowing:

Sample Prayer Journal Page

Philippians 4:6-7 bible journaling #illustratedfaith #erinjournalsthebible:
photo from

"Through prayer you will truly experience God's peace that surpasses all understanding." -Philippians 4:7:

P.S. If you would like some more resources and inspiration, here a Pinterest board that I’ve started on Prayer.

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6 thoughts on “Keeping a Prayer Journal

  1. Joy! This is so encouraging! I have written down prayers in my actual journal, but now I want to start a “Prayer Journal” and begin wrong my prayers! So awesome!!

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