Jenny & Tyler (and my love for different)


I’m a girl that loves variety, especially when it comes to music. If you scroll through my iPod you’ll find many different genres.

Folk. Christian. Pop. Alternative. Indie rock. Even a little worshipful rap music.

I like music that’s different (like this perfectly unusual love song).

I like artists that are different. Artists that share their music freely. Artists that sing truth. To me, good music means authentic sound and creative lyrics that are also clean and inspiring (i.e. Josh Garrels).

I’m going to refrain myself from acclaiming Josh Garrels’ music once again, and this time share another band with impressive artistry and message.

This band is Jenny & Tyler.

Jenny & Tyler

This sweet husband and wife duo don’t just sing love songs. They also sing about cultural problems, such as poverty and slavery, calling others to let go of their “neatly arranged lives” and reach out to a broken world that needs healing. They sing about mortality and faith. They sing about commitment and self-sacrifice. Their message isn’t an easy message, but it’s a message that needs to be sung.

We need good music–music that challenges us to be better people–that disturbs the comfortable and comforts the disturbed.

We need artists like Jenny & Tyler.

We need different.

P.S. Jenny & Tyler stream all their music free on Bandcamp. They also have a free album for download on NoiseTrade (Check it out. It’s awesome).

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