Introducing: Musical Mondays


I have an amazing talent for avoiding piano recitals. They terrify me. I don’t like them. I took piano lessons for about four years, had four different teachers, and was never in a recital.

My second piano teacher begged me to be in her recital. I was eleven at the time, a serious introvert, a relatively new pianist, and by no means excited at the thought of performing in front of others. Even though my younger sister chose to be in it, I happily sat in the audience on recital day.

Over the years I’ve gotten more comfortable with playing piano in front of others. I’ve learned to lighten up, enjoy the song, stumble through the mess ups, and simply play whatever my fingers decide to play. It usually turns out alright when my audience doesn’t know the song.

I realize that music is meant to be shared. That is why I strive to overcome my nervousness of playing music in front of others. That is also why I am starting Blog of Joy’s “Musical Mondays.” Every Monday I will try to share an original composition, or a piano cover of another song.

Photo courtesy of my brother Jay at

This Monday’s song is an original composition called “Sunshine.” Here’s the MP3: Sunshine

More music next Monday! :)


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2 thoughts on “Introducing: Musical Mondays

  1. Wow, I’m definitely going to be looking forward to Monday’s now! I’m going to save this song so I can enjoy it in my iTunes library.

    1. Thanks, Jay! I’m hoping that this will help me polish up the songs I like to play so that I can share them with others! :)

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