Hope’s a Powerful Thing

photo from crosswalk.com
photo from crosswalk.com

There’s a lot of hurt in this world right now. There always has been, but at times it hits our hearts more fiercely, like it has worldwide this month.

This world is plain-old messed-up. 

Most everyone agrees with this statement (though most everyone has a different idea about what is “messed up”). But how we respond to this truth is crucial.

There are only two options–stand on the sidelines or take action.

With darkness growing thicker around us, we often feel the desire to shrink back and lose hope. This is exactly how Satan wants us to respond. He wants us to become discouraged. He wants us to feel like there’s nothing we can do to make a difference when it comes to these worldwide problems. He wants us to stop praying, interceding, resting upon the Father’s promises, etc.

But if we quiet out souls even while the world is swirling in chaos, we can hear that still small voice. If we open our Bible and cling to every word He has spoken, and rest our souls upon Him alone, then we can have hope.

Our Creator has called us to be courageous. He knew our names before we were born. He has a special calling for each of our lives that will bring Him glory. He has a reason for why we are living in this century and not some previous one. He has set us free from the sting of death. His perfect love casts out fear. He is the God of hope, and He has called us to abound in hope (Romans 15:13).

When we reach the end of our optimism, that’s when His Words are the sweetest comfort. No matter what we’re feeling, His Words are true, eternal, and worth staking our entire lives upon. When our hope is built upon the sand, we can be sure that the storms will drown it, but when it’s built upon the rock–Yeshua (Jesus)–then the peace that passes all understanding can guard our hearts and minds (Philippians 4:7).

JOHN 16:33; I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." JOHN 16:33; Light shines in the darkness for the godly. They are generous, compassionate, and righteous. ... 7 They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the LORD to care for them.:
photo from pinterest.com

What is our response to terror, the darkness of sin, and rampant rebellion against the Creator of heaven and earth?

Let’s pour our hearts out in prayer and lift up those who are hurting. Let’s confess our sins. Let’s intercede for the lost.

Let’s put our hope upon our God and His eternal kingdom.

Let’s encourage one another to keep walking the straight and narrow path.

By His strength and for His glory, let’s strive to be the difference that we long to see in this world.

Hope's a Powerful Thing

P.S. Yesterday a friend and I had a time of prayer for our country. (We don’t live in the same state, so a phone call was the only option). It was amazing to feel the peace that flooded our hearts after lifting up our cares to our heavenly Father. Perhaps there is someone who wants to join you in prayer today.

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6 thoughts on “Hope’s a Powerful Thing

  1. Your wise and thoughtful remarks and scripture have given such peace today to my anguished soul. You are a powerful instrument in our Savior’s service. God bless your sweet life.

    1. Mr. Roger, thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful comment. I’m so thankful that God could use these words to encourage you today. He is so faithful. ♫ Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven above, with wisdom, power, and love ♫

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