I think I’m enjoying the beauty of spring more this year than ever before. I’ve been spending more time outside under the cheery tree in the backyard–sitting down and reading a good book or strumming my guitar.
And even though some days are rainy, and sometimes the cold creeps back, the world around me gets greener and greener everyday.
It’s spring. That’s something worth celebrating.
So here is my latest song celebrating this delightful season.
It was a rainy spring morning. The sun hid behind gray clouds as I stood in the quiet kitchen, humidity seeping through the open windows. I could hear the birds chirping outside, their cheery songs lilting through the damp air.
I had a sudden inspiration.
It was the perfect time to listen to Gungor’s album Ghosts Upon the Earth. (Although I don’t endorse all of Gungor’s music, I do enjoy most of their songs on this album.)
I turned on the album and reveled in the beginning strains of “Let There Be.” As I continued to listen, I realized that it truly was the perfect match for the rainy morning. It harmonized with the birds outside and turned my thoughts to Creation–the beginning–the vast empty space brought to life by the the Creator’s simple, revolutionary words:
Let there be…
It’s moments like that when I’m struck by the transcendent beauty of music. Suddenly something I’ve listened to so many times before comes alive in some amazing way. It’s not just reaching my ears anymore. It’s resonating with my very being.
That’s what the artist feels when he plays a song with all his heart. And that is what I feel when I allow my heart to get carried away too.
The sky brightens, the birds sing along–and suddenly–music bursts to life.
Certain praise songs lend themselves more naturally into piano compositions than others. “Forever Reign” is one that I’ve found to transfer well. I particularly enjoy playing the bridge of the song that repeats and gradually builds into the chorus once again. Even without singing the words, I can still hear the chorus ringing in my heart:
“Oh I’ll run into Your arms
I’ll run into Your arms
The riches of Your Love
will always be enough
Light of the World
forever reign”
A few months back, I began experimenting with a unique way of playing piano. I started playing songs with only my two index fingers.
I shared my new style with my brother. He liked it so much that he laughingly suggested I cut off my other eight fingers. (Who needs them anyway?)
Well, I’m not that committed to two finger piano playing, but it is a fun challenge.
Playing with two fingers has some advantages over playing piano the traditional way. For me, it improves creativity, switches things up a bit, and brings out a fresh sound in my music. Plus, when I start to play with all ten fingers again, they run across the keys like released prisoners, happy to have their freedom back.
As you suspected, this Monday’s song is–ta ta ta-da!–The Two Finger Piano Song. Here is a link to the YouTube video: The Two Finger Piano Song
Sometimes it is hard to transition into the different seasons of our lives. It is tough to say good-bye to fall and embrace winter. Some seasons in our lives are more joyful and fun, and we naturally wish that they could last forever. But life is full of seasons, not just the four seasons of each year, but also the many seasons–happy, sad, triumphant, and difficult ones–that make us who we are.
Living life to its fullest to me means living the life that God has called you to live. He has a calling for everyone, and each calling is unique and special. As we follow that calling, God takes us through many different seasons. Some of those seasons are full of sunshine and flowers, and some are full of cold wind and barren trees. What is important to remember is that God orchestrates every season of our lives. Just as He directs the blossoms to bloom in the spring, the warmth to come in the summer, the leaves to fall in the autumn, and the cold to come in the winter, so He also directs every season of our lives. We are never alone. He is always with us.
No matter what season you are in right now, I hope that you can feel God’s guidance in your life. We are all here for a reason. Each season is a gift. The winter won’t last forever, but neither will the summer. Look for the beauty in life. Cherish each season, and remember the One who holds the seasons in His hands.
Going along with the theme of this post is this Monday’s song that I composed entitled, “Changing Seasons.” I hope that you enjoy the song and the beautiful pictures taken by my brother Jay.
This Monday’s song is a piano cover of “Always With You” by Loud Harp. The song is one of my favorites on Loud Harp’s debut album. Sung from the perspective of God to His people, it consists of a simple chorus encouraging us to be still and know that He will never leave us:
Hush my dear
Do not fear what may come or what will go
Take it slow & you’ll know I am with you…
My piano cover is a shorter rendition of the original song, but it still holds to the basic melody. It is a peaceful song that my heart can sing along to as my fingers play. Here is the MP3: Always With You (Piano Cover)
P.S. Loud Harp has chord charts for all their songs (including this one) on their website: Loud Harp Music & Charts
Someone I know recently noted that our culture dislikes silence. I’ve been pondering that lately, and I think it’s true.
We live in a noisy culture where it’s easy to get trapped in the clamor and difficult to find silence. Sometimes it’s hard to stop, turn off the noise, and truly think about life.
In silence the heart speaks. What we love, what we fear, what we doubt, and what we believe all comes to the surface. In silence we can see more clearly who we are.
Why does our culture run from silence? Perhaps it is scared to see what it really is.
Just a thought.
Photo courtesy of my brother Jay at dview.us
This Monday’s song is an original composition called “Silence.” Even though it has a contradictory title (a song can’t be silent), it’s a reflective piece that I’m dedicating to the importance of silence. Here is the MP3: Silence
I have an amazing talent for avoiding piano recitals. They terrify me. I don’t like them. I took piano lessons for about four years, had four different teachers, and was never in a recital.
My second piano teacher begged me to be in her recital. I was eleven at the time, a serious introvert, a relatively new pianist, and by no means excited at the thought of performing in front of others. Even though my younger sister chose to be in it, I happily sat in the audience on recital day.
Over the years I’ve gotten more comfortable with playing piano in front of others. I’ve learned to lighten up, enjoy the song, stumble through the mess ups, and simply play whatever my fingers decide to play. It usually turns out alright when my audience doesn’t know the song.
I realize that music is meant to be shared. That is why I strive to overcome my nervousness of playing music in front of others. That is also why I am starting Blog of Joy’s “Musical Mondays.” Every Monday I will try to share an original composition, or a piano cover of another song.
Photo courtesy of my brother Jay at dview.us
This Monday’s song is an original composition called “Sunshine.” Here’s the MP3: Sunshine
One of the exciting things about every year is discovering new music. It’s always fun to discover a new artist (or rediscover an old one) that you enjoy. Here is some of my favorite music of 2013:
Josh Garrels
As I mentioned in an earlier post, Josh Garrels is definitely one of my favorite artists. I first found out about Josh Garrels’ music last spring, and was able to attend one of his concerts this fall. It was an awesome time, and he was just as good (and I think better) than on recordings.
Another band that I have enjoyed is an alternative/electronic start-up band called Loud Harp. One of the things that I appreciate the most about Loud Harp’s music is its peaceful simplicity. Their music explores the depths of God’s mercy and love in our lives. I find it encouraging and relaxing.
Audrey Assad
Audrey Assad is one of my favorite singers of the year. Her voice is angelic, her piano melodies are beautiful, and her songs are heartfelt and encouraging. Some of my favorite songs of hers are Even the Winter, Restless, and Good to Me.
Gungor is another band that I have enjoyed this year. I love Gungor’s innovative style and meaningful songs. Some of my favorites songs of theirs areDry Bones, Crags and Clay, and Beautiful Things.
Another one of my favorite bands of the year is Rend Collective Experiment with their down-to-earth and uplifting songs of praise. Their latest album Campfire is a masterpiece of beautiful songs. Some of my favorite songs on the album areMovements, You Bled, and 10,000 Reasons.
Of course, these are just a few of the artist and bands that I have enjoyed this year. I am very thankful for all the talented musicians God has placed on this earth. What would life be like without music? Hmmm…that reminds me of a story I wrote once. :)