Let Me Carry You

photo from pinterest.com
photo from pinterest.com

One of the greatest mysteries of life is that our Creator speaks to us in the simple things.

The other day I was touched by one of those little things. I spent the weekend with my brother and his wife and children. We spent the first day with dear friends of ours, and the next day we went on a shopping trip. My niece was tuckered out after such full and exciting days, and when we arrived back at their home, she was mostly asleep. She didn’t want to walk, she couldn’t keep her eyes open,  and she started to cry. That’s when her daddy reached out and said, “Let me carry you.”

And then it hit me.

My heavenly Father is longing to do the same thing for me. When I’m exhausted (physically or spiritually), he wants to carry me. When I’ve reached the end of my strength, he’s more than willing to be the shoulder to rest my weary, confused, aching head upon.

When I rest in that childlike faith, realizing that Yahweh is my Father, and I am his daughter, that’s when perfect love casts out fear.

My heart might try to convince me otherwise, yet there’s a sweet whisper of love and truth…

“Let me carry you.”

Me: But I’ve failed you again. I don’t deserve your love. I’m so flawed and frustrated at myself. Why would you love me?

 “Let me carry you.”

Me: But I’m afraid. I can’t let go.

“Let me carry you.”

Me: I want to know you for real. I want to let go of every fear, and walk in your perfect love. I want to be filled from the inside out with your living waters. I want to walk in the power of your resurrection. I want to glorify you with everything that I am. I need you every hour. I need your grace more than ever. I love you. I want to serve you. I offer my life to you.

He carries me

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” {Matthew 11:28}

Mighty is Our God in Zion (Israel Pictures & Promises)

the Jezreal Valley

Every trip to Israel is a new experience.

I set off on this past trip without knowing exactly what to expect, yet I knew that it was His trip and I was excited to see what He had in store. The Father had His hand upon this trip from the beginning (in fact, He started aligning circumstances many years ago…but that’s a whole ‘nother amazing story).

Mount Tabor in the distance

This was my first time to fly by myself, but I would connect with friends once I arrived at the airport in Tel Aviv. First, I had to fly from Atlanta to Newark. The thought of  being in the Newark airport, surrounded by thousands of people, and yet being quite alone, made me nervous. One night, as I was feeling overwhelmed at the thought of flying by myself, I felt the Father lay Malachi 3:1 on my heart:

“I will send My messenger before you, who will prepare the way before you.”

It filled me with courage. I wasn’t alone.  He was going before me. My parents were encouraging me in this trip. They would be praying for me. My friends would be praying too. I would be praying. I had nothing to fear.

My travel went smoothly, and I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that the Father answered that verse directly by sending someone to accompany me on the flight over the Atlantic. I sat next to a believer in Yeshua, and we talked for hours about prayer and faith.

so much history here...

This was only the beginning of the many instances where the Father “prepared the way before me.” Every day He showered His love and faithfulness upon me. When I came to Israel  I was thirsting for more of Him, and He filled me with living waters. I came not knowing quite what to expect, and He blew me away with His plans. I came wanting to serve, and He allowed me to sweat under the Golan sun, plucking out weeds in the gardens and singing (I worked alongside an amazing woman of faith who also had a passion for prayer and praise).

It was hard to leave. It’s always hard. But this trip was harder. I connected to Israel on a deeper level. I also got to visit some places that I’d never been before (like “Samaria”–the heartland of Israel).


This land is special in Yahweh’s eyes.

Every promise written in Yahweh’s word will come true. No matter what the news predicts. No matter what the future looks like from our human point-of-view, we can look to the Word of God and know that Israel will be restored (physically and spiritually). We know that there will be (and is!) an ingathering from the North and the South, the East and the West, back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:6). We know that the desert will blossom like a rose (Isaiah 35:1). We can see it happening. We know that salvation (Yeshua) will shine forth out of Zion (Isaiah 62:1).

Ophel Gardens

Mount Hermon

I’ve shared many of my pictures from this trip on Flickr: Israel 2016

I hope that these pictures will bring Israel closer to you today. If you love Israel, then no matter how far away you are from it today, no ocean can separate you. You can still pray. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for the leaders. Pray for the believers and the non-believers. Pray about how you can bless Israel personally. (FYI: Here is a wonderful newsletter that sends out prayer points for Israel every week: Intercessors for Israel).

the lady's side of the Wailing Wall

We live in the days when the “dry bones are coming to life” (Ezekiel 37). We live in the days when the tribes are gathering in Jerusalem once again (Psalm 122).

Our God does not lie.

His promises are true.

Mighty is our God in Zion.

Isaiah 51

Israel 2016

"I praise You, O Yahweh, among peoples, And I sing praises to You among the nations. For Your kindness is great above the heavens, And Your truth reaches to the clouds." (Psalm 108:3-4)

I’m excited, y’all.

Tomorrow I’m leaving for Israel where I’ll be living on a Christian kibbutz for 5 weeks! This opportunity is purely a gift from the heavenly Father. I can’t wait to see what He has in store. This is His trip.

I look forward to sharing pictures and stories with y’all when I get back. :)

 Until then, shalom & blessings!


P.S. I wanted to share these lovely verses and quotes about Israel.

aka The Kinneret

IMG_14691 (1)


ארץ ישראל:


"And I will be to her a wall of fire all around," declares The Lord, "and I will be the glory in her midst." Zechariah 2:5:

... from Israel:

"I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night." Isaiah 62:6 www.facetozion.com:

Israel is where my heart is

Please pray for Israel today.

✡ Who's with me? ✡ :

Hope you all have a very blessed spring!


Spring is a Beautiful Thing


I feel like I’m enjoying the beauty of spring this year more than ever. I’ve been especially enjoying taking walks around the neighborhood. There’s so many beautiful things to discover.

Voyage Discovery New Eyes Travel Quote by Marcel Proust Hand Drawn Mini Moleskine Cahier Kraft Pocket Journal in Indian Ink (3.5" X 5.5"):
photo from etsy.com

Here’s some beautiful things:

bradford pear

Bradford pear trees in full bloom

fragile little purple flowers that shiver in the wind

so many daffodils in the neighbor’s yard


fuzzy feeling clover

standing still and soaking up life for a moment

heart-shaped leaves on the purple tree

purple blossoms

open windows again

rain on a metal roof

warmth of sunshine on my arms


praise in Hebrew

the cherry tree starting to blossom

duets with Kiley

stargazing with my brother


sharing Scriptures with friends

peace that comes from reading the Words of life

“For just as the sufferings of Messiah flow over in our lives, so also through Messiah our comfort overflows.” 
{2 Corinthians 1:5}

My Soul Finds Rest in God Alone:
photo from pinterest.com

What are you loving about spring this year?

Little Acts of Kindness


Kindness is a beautiful thing.

There’s so many ways of showing it.

Sometimes it’s in small ways like giving someone a hug or saying a kind word or compliment. Sometimes it’s by writing an encouraging note to a friend or family member. Sometimes it’s just smiling at a stranger {and seeing them smile back}.

We never know how much a little act of kindness can brighten someone’s day.





What act of kindness can you do today? 

spring is coming…

spring is blooming

I can’t believe it’s March already.

When I look out the window, there are buds starting to smile from empty branches. Some days its even warm enough to be outside without a jacket, and the grass is getting green again.

I’m loving the days when the sun shines so brightly.

sunshine & daffodils

I’m thankful for flowers that will bloom, days that will be longer, memories that will be made, and lessons that will be learned.

Winter is not forever.

It’s only a season.

Spring is coming soon.

I’m thankful for the Creator who makes all things new. Out of dry, winter soil, He causes beauty to rise. Out of our faltering human hearts, He causes His light to shine.

What a miracle it all is.

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.
He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
(Ecclesiastes 3:11)

Cleaning Out the Closets

photo from theodessyoline.com
photo from theodessyoline.com

For a little while now I’ve been fascinated with the concept of minimalism and have been able to adapt it into my life in some ways.

I used to stare at my closet and drawers full of clothes and wonder what I should wear. It was such a hard decision, partly because I had so many things that I didn’t like. It seemed ridiculous to have such a hard time choosing what to wear when I had so many options. Alright…so I didn’t have a ton of clothes, but I definitely had all that I needed and more.


Just think of a little child in Africa with only rags to wear, or a homeless lady with only a tattered coat in the snow. Now think of me, and you’ll see that something was wrong with my daily dilemma.

Thankfully, the remedy started to come as I began clearing out my closets and drawers of unneeded clothes and things, and donating them to the thrift store. Every time I do another “inventory” of my room, I find more things that I don’t need. And every time I place those things in a bag and donate them for the good of others, I feel better. I feel like I have more, even though I have less, because what I do have is wanted and appreciated.


Sometimes there’s an item that I can’t quite get rid of yet–who knows? Maybe I’ll want it someday— but it always makes me feel better to put that item aside, and after some months go by, if I still haven’t used it, then I can get rid of it without worrying too much. There have been times when I’ve pulled items back out because they would be useful, and I was glad I hadn’t gotten rid of them too quickly.

I’m by no means a “minimalist,” but making some moderate steps to get rid of unneeded stuff has been a lil’ adventure that I’ve much enjoyed. It’s helped me take stock of the clothes I have, encouraged me to be more creative with what I have (I’ve discovered how many ways I can mix & match my skirts and tops), and also made me more aware of what clothes would be a good addition if I happen to find something good while thrift shopping.

Often we don’t realize how blessed we are until we think of all that we’ve been given, and how it’s even more than we need.


Winter’s Beautiful Things


This blog has been quiet, so I’ll give you a lil’ recap. :) I’m excited about a trip to Israel planned for this spring! (Yes!!! I have a ticket!!!! I’m amazed at how the Father has brought this about! :D) I’m also still loving being a babysitter, spending time with family & friends, and simply living life day by day.

I continue to be amazed by the beautiful things around me.

Yeshua is so good.

Here’s a little of winter’s beauty:

one of those random moments when you’re standing in the kitchen and you discover a piece of art:

Red Carnation

colorful pens & pencils in a jar

bundling up to write poetry in the cold

thrift store shopping

Saturday night game nights

bright yellow yarn (‘cuz it brings sunshine to my winter)

crocheting & listening to Audrey Assad music

my sister restoring our great-grandma’s quilt:

AG's Quilt

fluffy snowflakes falling (those are special ’round here ;)

late-night baking

late-night snacks

laughs with Uncle Dave & Aunt Debbie

“Visit many books, but live in the Bible” C. H. Spurgeon

my dad who volunteers to do dishes

starting off Sabbath with a steamy mug of tea

a walk through the woods on Sabbath morning:

IMG_3541-001people that live life passionately

family hugs

♫ can’t live a day with out you ♫

prayers that are already being answered

when the sun comes out

new blue walls

praise in Romanian:
(do you recognize the tune? :)

What are some beautiful things that you’ve enjoyed this winter?

Overcome With Thankfulness (2015)

Street Lamp

When I look back at 2015, I see so many things.

I see highs and lows. I see battles that raged in my soul, and victories. I see laughter and tears. Memories. Fears. Doubts. Faith that overcame. I see ways my heart changed, and ways it didn’t. I see lessons I learned, and lessons I’m still learning.

I see how gracious my Savior has been to me each step along the way, and my heart is overcome with thankfulness.

I’m thankful for family.

There’s truly no place like home. No one like family. I’m thankful for my family’s’ passion for Yahweh–their devotion to living out His Words, even when it’s counter-culture. I’m thankful for their jokes that make life fun, and the memories that only we share.

I’m thankful for friends.

They become family. They encourage me when I’m down. They point me back to Yeshua. They inspire me. They bless my heart more than they’ll ever know. Each one is special to me.

I’m thankful for Israel.

For the opportunity to visit the Promise Land once again. To walk where Yeshua walked. To smell the spices in the market. To hear the wailing at the Wall. To listen to music on the streets of Jerusalem. To hear what used to be a dead language–Hebrew–being spoken once again by its people. To see the sun peaking through the clouds over Jerusalem, and to remember that one day those clouds will break, and Messiah will return to Mount Zion, the city where Yahweh placed His name forever. To be able to pray for the peace of that city, of that nation, of the people I love.

I’m thankful for words.

Short ones. Long ones. Crazy ones. Simple ones. I love how they string together to form lyrics or poems or sentences or 1,000 page novels. I love how they carry meaning. How they paint pictures in our minds. How they transfer thoughts and feeling so well, and yet how much they don’t. I love how they’re powerful. How they’re life-giving. How they fill my heart with joy.

I’m thankful for Creation.

The world outside my window. That world where I should spend more time, because it’s not artificial. It’s not man-made. It’s Yahweh-made. It was spoken into existence by His Words. The place where I’m surrounded by the simple things like birds and trees and rocks and flowers. The things that Yeshua used in His parables, because they’re the basic components of life.

I’m thankful for music.

For the way that my heart soars with the drama of a heartfelt song, and the way it’s calmed by a peaceful hymn. The way that voices blend together in praise. The way that music carries me to a deeper understanding of life and faith and how they connect together.

I’m thankful for art.

Not so much the painting on the wall, but the little things that inspire me–the beautiful things in life. A burst of sunshine through the window on a rainy day. The baby that gently falls asleep in my arms. The laughter that makes me feel better. The moments when I’m overcome by the presence of my Savior.

Which leads me to what I’m thankful for most of all.

I’m thankful for Yeshua.

I’m thankful for my precious Messiah, who is the reason I’m alive. The reason that I can enjoy any of these things. He’s my life. My hope. My best friend.

I don’t know where He’ll take me this year.

But I do know that He’ll lead me by His hand.

Day by day.

Through every season.

I’m thankful for 2015.

When you look back at 2015…what do you see? What are you thankful for?

Autumn’s Beauty

So many things have made this autumn beautiful. I’ve been filling my Beautiful Things journal more than ever before. It’s such a happy lil’ book that reminds me of Yahweh’s goodness in my life.

November Morning
photo by Jay (dview.us)

Here’s some of those beautiful things:

road trips & staring out the window
(We spent Thanksgiving week with my grandparents in Florida.)

Driving West

shades of autumn along the highway

a bright orange, chert path cutting through a field and into the woods

a chilly day at the beach
(and how peaceful it is)

Sun Setting at the Beach

endless waves

singing and collecting seashells along the beach

the moon rising in the clear, blue sky

♫ Somebody Else’s Story ♫

sibling laughter

Grandpa’s jokes

a triple-long Thanksgiving table


giving thanks together

Shining Stars Magazine

Amy Grace surprising me with a random sticky note in Spanish


a world map on my wall

World Map

Keep a Quiet Heart by Elisabeth Elliot

old hymns

sharing music with friends

♡ sisters by heart ♡

Sweet Home Alabama
(It really is a beautiful state.)


beautiful weather in December

sunset on Erev Shabbat with Garrels’ music

a dreamy green pasture

starry nights

praying in the rain

“Let Your kindness and Your truth always watch over me.” 

Grateful Heart

What are some beautiful things that you’re grateful for today?

P.S. I’ve been enjoying this artist’s music lately. I love how he sings so passionately about Yeshua Messiah and the land of Israel. (Plus, he has the chords for all his songs on his website.) This song is a wonderful reminder to trust Yeshua and follow Him.