One of the greatest mysteries of life is that our Creator speaks to us in the simple things.
The other day I was touched by one of those little things. I spent the weekend with my brother and his wife and children. We spent the first day with dear friends of ours, and the next day we went on a shopping trip. My niece was tuckered out after such full and exciting days, and when we arrived back at their home, she was mostly asleep. She didn’t want to walk, she couldn’t keep her eyes open, and she started to cry. That’s when her daddy reached out and said, “Let me carry you.”
And then it hit me.
My heavenly Father is longing to do the same thing for me. When I’m exhausted (physically or spiritually), he wants to carry me. When I’ve reached the end of my strength, he’s more than willing to be the shoulder to rest my weary, confused, aching head upon.
When I rest in that childlike faith, realizing that Yahweh is my Father, and I am his daughter, that’s when perfect love casts out fear.
My heart might try to convince me otherwise, yet there’s a sweet whisper of love and truth…
“Let me carry you.”
Me: But I’ve failed you again. I don’t deserve your love. I’m so flawed and frustrated at myself. Why would you love me?
“Let me carry you.”
Me: But I’m afraid. I can’t let go.
“Let me carry you.”
Me: I want to know you for real. I want to let go of every fear, and walk in your perfect love. I want to be filled from the inside out with your living waters. I want to walk in the power of your resurrection. I want to glorify you with everything that I am. I need you every hour. I need your grace more than ever. I love you. I want to serve you. I offer my life to you.
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” {Matthew 11:28}