Announcing “Sisters on Our Knees”

Announcing "Sisters on Our Knees"

For a few months now, my friend Peyton and I have been praying about and working on a new blog called “Sisters on Our Knees”, and I’m excited to announce that it is officially launched!

On the blog you will find:

Philippians 4:6-7

Of course, I will still be posting on Blog of Joy, but you will also find me posting on Sisters on Our Knees.

Oswald Chambers Quote

Our hope is that Sisters on Our Knees can become a joint effort of sisters in Messiah around the world. If you ever feel led to write a guest post or share a testimony of answered prayer, you can email us at:

Feel free to check it out and share the word: Sisters on Our Knees

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8 thoughts on “Announcing “Sisters on Our Knees”

    1. Thanks, Susannah! :) I’ll definitely tell them all! I’m so glad that you and Amy can be pen pals! Hope you have a very blessed day!

  1. Joy, this seems to be a very good idea. Prayer is the key thing. It worked for Daniel, Hezekiah, and many Biblical characters. It worked for you and it worked for me too, many times. We never outgrow the need to pray and it shows our dependence on Yahweh. Sure did enjoy your blog. Glad you are finding friends. Hope you and family have a good and safe trip to Betty Jo’s wedding and time you spend with your family. Love all of you, Janice, Grady Freeland

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment, Miss Janice! Yes, Yahweh is such a loving Father. What a priviledge we have to be able to pray to Him…..we will miss seeing you this Sabbath. May Yahweh bless you! Love you too!

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