Last weekend my family and I celebrated Passover and the Last Supper.
I feel like there are so many things that I could share about what I learned over the weekend, but a lot of it is still spinning in my heart and not ready for words yet. It was truly a blessed time of encouragement and fellowship and memory making.
Last year, I shared a bit about the significance of Passover and how my family celebrates it, but this year I want to share one of the many lessons that Passover teaches me.
It teaches me about love–my Savior’s definition of love.
Love is humble.
Love knelt down before his disciples and washed the dirt from their feet. Love spent the last hours of His life on earth as a servant to broken humanity. In the garden, Love felt the deepest anguish of the soul. He knew the torture that awaited Him, and yet He prayed, “Thy will be done.”
Love is sacrificial.
Love pierced His hands and feet to the cross. Love adorned Himself with a crown of thorns. He bled his heart to win mine.
Love is alive.
Love rose again on the third day. He conquered the grave and quenched the sting of death. Two thousand years later, His love for us hasn’t changed. It never will, because His love is eternal.
It’s steady and true.
It’s righteous and pure and inexplainable with words.
This same love He gives to us, not so we can lock it in our hearts, but so we can give it freely, and lay down our lives for others, as He did for us. Feed the hungry. Heal the hurting. Be the love that this broken world desperately needs.
Love is our calling.
This is My command, that you love one another, as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this: that he should lay down his life for his friends.
–John 15:12 & 13
May we have the courage to say, “Thy will be done.”
May we be His Love.
How about you…Have you ever celebrated Passover? If so, I would love to hear what Passover has taught you.