I feel like I’m enjoying the beauty of spring this year more than ever. I’ve been especially enjoying taking walks around the neighborhood. There’s so many beautiful things to discover.

Here’s some beautiful things:
Bradford pear trees in full bloom
fragile little purple flowers that shiver in the wind
so many daffodils in the neighbor’s yard
fuzzy feeling clover
standing still and soaking up life for a moment
heart-shaped leaves on the purple tree
open windows again
rain on a metal roof
warmth of sunshine on my arms
the cherry tree starting to blossom
duets with Kiley
sharing Scriptures with friends
peace that comes from reading the Words of life
“For just as the sufferings of Messiah flow over in our lives, so also through Messiah our comfort overflows.”
{2 Corinthians 1:5}

What are you loving about spring this year?
I am especially loving the warm sunshine … the lush greenness all around … the cool breezes …. and beautiful daffodils … and my Savior whose grace continues to amaze me more and more every day!
Spring is such an amazing time of the year! HalleluYah for Yeshua! :) <3