Earlier this month I spent a week and a half at Fall Creek Falls in Tennessee, camping with friends and family. Each night as the cold blanketed our campsites, we gathered around the campfire.
I’ve always liked campfires, but this past camping trip gave me a new appreciation for them.
The campfire was for comfort. It not only warmed us, it warmed the atmosphere too, creating a peaceful setting.
The campfire was for memories. Between cracking jokes, telling stories, and singing praise, the campfire was a place of fellowship–a place for new life to glow like the flames.
The campfire was for relaxing. Staring into that fire helped me slow down and think. Think about life. Think about faith. Think about what had brought me to that moment.
But as amazing as the campfire was, it wasn’t truly the campfire that brought us together. Faith is what brought us together. As we celebrated the Festival of Booths that week, sitting around the campfire under the starlit sky, we were family–brothers and sisters in Messiah. Our voices rose in praise as the sparks flitted from the fire and our prayers billowed like the smoke.
Campfires are for family.
What does a campfire mean to you?
I’ve always liked campfires. They are peaceful, and it’s nice when your younger siblings are asleep in your tent so you can just sit there, staring into the orange flames. Was it very, very cold in Tennessee? I live in Colorado, and it was pretty cold here. Two years ago we went to a Ha Yovel Family Week in Kentucky and every one told us it was cold. We blew it off because, well, we’re Colorado people! We’re totally used to twenty degree below zero weather and blizzards all winter long, right? Wrong! We were so cold the entire time. It’s because it was so humid there, but anyways, how did you do?
Hi Emma,
I didn’t know you knew Joy!
Fun when friends know friends!
That’s great that you enjoy campfires too, Emma! :) I’m sorry to hear about the freezing weather in Kentucky. Since I live in Alabama, I’m familiar with humid cold, but I’ve heard that it’s quite different than dry cold.
It got cold at night in TN, especially when it rained. But a gracious friend gave me her wool hat (since I hadn’t thought to bring one) and as long as we stayed by the campfire it wasn’t too cold. So I survived quite well. It was leaving the campfire that was tough! Thanks for asking though. :)
I don’t know if I’ve ever put it together the fact that campfires help you be more introspective, but you’re absolutely right!
In the ever-connected world in which we live, having times to sit and be still are essential for everyone. Because it’s when we’re still that we can hear that still small voice of Yah.
Yes, that’s a good way of putting it. Being around a campfire really helps slow life down.