I’m a non-confrontational person. For the most part, I try to avoid topics that I know will cause division or arguments. I like to live my life peacefully.
But lately I’ve been realizing that I’m too timid when it comes to standing up for God’s Word. I also don’t speak up enough about things in life that matter the most.
On this blog, I tend to focus on the joyful and beautiful things in life, and while that is noble, there’s also a time to speak up about the things in life that are anything but beautiful. I don’t want to focus on these things, but justice calls me to break out of my comfortable life and see the hurt in this world. It calls me to take action instead of just feeling sorry for others. It calls me to speak up for those that have no voice.
I talk so often of beautiful things, but how often do I realize how blessed I am to see them?
My mom chose to give me life.
Have I ever thanked her for that? Or have I taken it for granted that my parents accepted me into their loving arms without question?
I know the statistics, but how often do I stop to think about what they mean?

57 million babies have been aborted in our country since 1973.
There are approximately 125,000 abortions per day worldwide.
Take a moment and think about that…
57 million babies have never seen the sun rising in the sky. They’ve never been snuggled in their mommy’s arms. They’ve never felt the cool autumn breeze or smelled the daffodils in spring. They’ve never loved. Never dreamed. Never been given the chance to live for God. They had an entire life in front of them, yet they never got to live it.

What do I know of the hurt that these mommies feel?
What do I know of their broken lives and tragic stories?
My heart aches for these precious babies and their mommies.
I don’t want to condemn these mommies, but I long for them to know the truth of what abortion is. I long for them to know that there is hope. I long for pregnant mothers to know that by choosing life–whether raising their child or choosing good, adoptive parents—not only will their babies thrive, but the mommies will thrive also.
There are many pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) that reach out to these mommies in crisis pregnancies. They seek the best for them.They treat them with respect and dignity while giving them the honest truth found in the Word of God. They let them know how much God values them and their precious baby.
By helping these ministries we can share hope.
Yahweh gives us all different ways of impacting the world. I know that I am not qualified to be a counselor to mothers going through crisis pregnancies, but I am able to help in little ways at the Sav-A-Life in my town, by organizing baby clothes or cleaning.
You can help too.
You can pray.
You can volunteer at the crisis pregnancy center in your town also.
You can donate money or clothing or supplies.
Are you crafty? You can make blankets, booties, or hats.
You can outreach on the streets.
You can encourage a friend going through a crisis pregnancy.
However He calls you to help, do it with all your might. Do it out of love–for the mommies, the babies, and the Creator who loves them all.
We can’t save the lives of precious babies by our own strength. We can’t heal the broken hearts of struggling mothers with our own words. As much as we need to reach out in love, it is only Yeshua (Jesus) that can be all that they need. His Words are power and hope and healing.
Yahweh is a God of justice.
He will not let our nation go unpunished for killing 57 million babies. The scars of abortion–both emotionally and physically–haunt so many mommies.
But He is also a God of mercy.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
(John 3:16)
The penalty for our sin is death, but God sent His only Son, Yeshua, into the world to die for us. He took our sins, our guilt, our shame, our regrets, upon Himself as they nailed Him to the cross. When He died, our sin died along with Him. When he rose again, He brought eternal life to all who would believe. No matter what, God will forgive us when we return to Him and surrender our lives to Him. He can heal every broken heart. He loves every soul.
“This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man, Yeshua Messiah, who gave Himself as a ransom for all,”
(1 Timothy 2:3-6a)
My words are so small and inadequate, but I hope that in sharing this, you’ll be encouraged to speak up for those that have no voice.
Today let us choose life.
Not because it’s easy, but because it’s right.
Not because of what culture says, but because of the Word of God.
“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”
(Genesis 1:27)
P.S. This song is powerful. Not only is it a true story in the life of the singer (he was adopted when he was only two weeks old), but it is true in the lives of countless mothers who have chosen adoption for their precious babies.
How can you stand for life today?