I Dream of Spring


I dream of spring, when the world turns green again.

I dream of playing my guitar outside in the sunshine and listening to the birds twittering in the treetops.

I dream of something else that spring will bring too.

High school graduation.

In many ways my senior year has been my best year of school. Perhaps knowing that I’m about to graduate causes me to enjoy it more. I’ve learned so much, studied hard, and can now see the finish line in sight. Life is about to change.

But will it really change that much?

I won’t stop learning and growing and studying–that’s a way of life for me. But soon I’ll be able to study what I love–writing and the great art of fiction.

But for now, it’s still winter, and I’m snuggling up with blankets to keep warm and reading my many school books, like a good little student.

I see spring smiling in the distance, and I can’t wait to greet her.

How about you…Are you dreaming of spring?

Fishtail-Cable Headwarmer (Pattern)

After a long absence of patterns on this blog….

Fishtail-Cable Headwarmer

I present to you the Fishtail-Cable Headwarmer.

It’s quick.
It’s warm.
And it’s cute.

The cable pattern is a unique design that resembles a fishtail braid.


I like to wear the headwarmer on my way to Krav Maga. It gives me the warmth of a hat, while still allowing me to wear my hair in a ponytail.


So without further adieu….

Fishtail Cable Headwarmer

Skill Level: Intermediate
Size (one size fits most): 5″ wide and 18″ circumference (It can stretch larger)
Gauge: 5 sts and 5 rows in fishtail-cable pattern = 1″
Stitches and Abbreviations: K (knit), P (purl), C2F (cable two front), C2B(cable two back), S1kw (slip one stitch knitwise), S1pw (slip one stitch purlwise)

Note: When stated, repeat the instructions written within the asterisks (*)


  • 1 skein Caron Simply Soft, hot pink (or desired worsted weight yarn)
  • size 8 (5.0 mm) knitting needles
  • cable needle
  • stitch markers (a scrap of yarn will do the trick if you don’t have the real deal)

-Fishtail Cable Pattern-

Row 1: *P1, C2F, C2B, P1* repeat to end. (right side)
Row 2: *K1, P1, K2, P1, K1* repeat to end. (wrong side)
Row 3: *P1, K1, P2, K1, P1* repeat to end.
Row 4: *K1, P1, K2, P1, K1* repeat to end.

Repeat the above four rows as directed.


  1. Cast on 28 stitches.
  2. S1kw, K1, place stitch maker, *P1, K1, P2, K1, P1* repeat till there are 2 stitches left, place stitch marker, K2. (right side)
  3. S1pw, P1, slip the stitch maker, *K1, P1, K2, P1, K1* repeat to marker, P2. (wrong side)
  4. Repeat numbers 2 and 3.
  5. S1kw, K1, work cable pattern to marker, K2.
  6. S1pw, P1, work cable pattern to marker, P2.
  7. Repeat numbers 5 and 6 till headwarmer measures 18″ long (ending on Row 1 of the cable pattern)
  8. S1pw, P1, *K1, P1, K2, P1, K1* repeat to marker, P2.
  9. Slpw, K1, *P1, K1, P2, K1, P1* repeat to marker, K2.
  10. Repeat number 8.
  11. Bind off in stitch pattern, being careful not to bind off too tightly.
  12. Sew both ends together and–ta-da!–you have your very own Fishtail-Cable Headwarmer.

PDF (Printer Friendly Version): Fishtail-Cable Headwarmer

Leave me a comment if you have any questions. Happy knitting! :)

Won Me Over

Photo by Jay Williams (dview.us)

Lately I’ve been enjoying the song “Won Me Over” by Audrey Assad.

One of my favorite lines is…

Running from you is running to you
You’re everywhere, I couldn’t escape you

Think about that for a little bit.

The idea of Yahweh being everywhere, that even when we’re running from Him, we’re running to him. The more we run, the more broken we are, and the more we know that we need him. It’s the motion of mercy. We can’t escape His love.

I was full of fear and prone to wander,
lost & lonely till the day you won me over.

What’s a song that you’ve been enjoying lately?

For Love of Pen & Paper

photo from teachwtech.wordpress.com
photo from teachwtech.wordpress.com

Recently I’ve discovered a love for pen and paper.

There’s something delightful about sitting down with a notebook in hand and filling page after page with rambling ideas and stories. A fresh sheet of paper is full of so many possibilities. Here are some of the perks of writing by hand:

  • You get to watch the letters swirl on the paper. (Perhaps this isn’t as enjoyable if you write as sloppily as I do sometimes.)
  • It’s typically slower, so you can think more about what you’re writing. (This is particularly helpful for me when I’m writing in my journal.)
  • It can make you smarter. (Researchers have discovered that writing by hand works your brain differently than typing.)
  • It’s more personal. (Your handwriting is your own unique style. The way you write can show your mood and a bit of your personality.)

I suppose I’m old-fashioned and sentimental, but I can’t help but find handwritten letters and journals to be far superior to digital ones. And as much as I love e-mailing and typing, there’s nothing quite like the good old-fashioned pen and paper.

Even now, at this late day, a blank sheet of paper holds the greatest excitement there is for me — more promising than a silver cloud, and prettier than a red wagon.
—E.B. White

How about you? Do you enjoy writing by hand?

Favorite Stories of 2014


Behold the Dawn

1. Behold the Dawn by K.M. Weiland–An epic tale of justice and mercy set during the Third Crusades.

Long Fatal Love Chase


2. A Long Fatal Love Chase by Louisa May Alcott–A tragic suspense romance.

 Me & Georgette

3. Me & Georgette by D.B. Schaefer–A fun and unusual romance combining time travel, Judaism, and Regency England.

Biography & Memoir

Kisses From Katie

1. Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis–A story of relentless love and complete devotion.


2. Ten P’s in a Pod by Arnold Pent III–The hilarious and inspiring story of one of America’s first modern homeschool families.

Strawberry Point

3. Strawberry Point by Florence Roe Wiggins—A delightful collection of memoir vignettes celebrating old-fashioned America.

What are some of your favorite stories of 2014?

Eclipsed by Sunshine

JSU Houston Cole Library (courtesy of www.stripes.com)
Houston Cole Library (courtesy of www.stripes.com)

I’m sitting on the seventh floor of the university library in town. All is quiet as students are studying for final exams. The sun is setting against the mountains, causing the windows on the west side of the library to burn bright orange.

A young lady stands in the landing in front of the elevators. She looks similar to how I imagine the protagonist in my novel to look. She has pretty features with long black hair and light tan skin. As she stands there gripping her stack of books, the sun shines through the windows at just the right angle to eclipse her in golden sunshine. It outlines her black hair and causes me to stare longer than I probably should. After a few seconds, she enters the elevator and leaves without a clue that she had ever been eclipsed by sunshine.

How many times in life do we go about our daily routines without realizing that we’re eclipsed by majesty? How many times do we ignore the simple wonders around us–the bright orange sun setting against the hills, the steam rises from the neighbors’ roofs in the morning, the stars turning black skies into dreamy seas of glitter.

Life is beautiful y’all. And sometimes we forget that.

What’s a simple wonder that you’ve seen lately?

5 Things I’m Thankful For

Conquering NaNoWriMo
NaNoWriMo 2014

Conquering NaNoWriMo–Because writing 50,000 words in one month is tough and rewarding. Now it’s time to delve into structuring and outlining my novel, and I’m actually excited about that, which is quite surprising.

Krav Maga–Because it’s the best martial art in the world (although I am a bit biased). I’m thankful that I’ve been learning Krav Maga for two years now and still haven’t had any major injuries. (But there’s definitely been plenty of scrapes and bruises along the way.)

Blots & Plots Blog–Because Jenny inspires me and reminds me that writing can be a ton of fun.

Senior Year of High School–Because it’s exciting to know that graduation is near. It’s like breaking into a sprint when I see the finish line in sight, trying to pack in the extra credits and finishing with a personal best (or something like that).

“Show Jesus” by Jamie Grace–Because it’s fun and happy and makes me want to smile. And smiling is good.

What are you thankful for?

Through & Through

Photo by Jay Williams (dview.us)

You know that feeling when you truly understand someone and they truly understand you? You don’t feel lonely or weird, but accepted–understood. It’s as if they can see your whole heart–all the ugly and the good–and they still love you.

That’s what I felt the other day while reading a powerful bit of writing from a dear friend of mine. It filled me with such joy. She understands. I understand. We are kindred spirits.

And then I realized something. I realized that as encouraging as it is to find a kindred spirit–as joyful as it is to relate to someone–what’s even more astounding is that God understands me.

He sees me–every hidden sin, every lingering doubt, every ugly scar, and every beautiful part of my existence. He sees me. He knows me. And still He loves me.

He understands me far better than any other human being, and far better than I’d ever want to. He understands me enough to send His Son to suffer far more than I ever have. He became human. He cried. He served. He was beaten and flogged and died the death of the accursed. And then he rose again so that I could have life too, so that the whole world could have abundant life.

This is what it means to be understood.

This is the greatest love. The love that can only come from a God who sees us, and knows us, and still loves us through and through.

Can I hear an amen?

For Love of Hymns

My great-grandfather's hymnal

There’s a comfort that only old hymns can bring.

There’s something special about songs of praise that have been sung for a long, long time. You can imagine your ancestors singing them in a warm, crowded church, their voices rising in harmony, and their hands gripping time-worn hymnals.

It’s no wonder that more and more hymns are being incorporated into contemporary worship. It connects us to the past and reminds us that we are praising the same God.

Our God is still faithful and righteous and bountiful in love–wondrous love.

What is one of your favorite hymns?

The Earth is Yours


Your voice it thunders
The oaks start twisting
The forest sounds with cedars breaking
The waters see You and start their writhing
From the depths a song is rising


Your voice it thunders
The ground is shaking
The mighty mountains now are trembling
Creation sees You and starts composing
The fields and trees they start rejoicing


It’s rising from the ground
Hear us crying out

Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
The earth is Yours
The earth is Yours

“The Earth is Yours” by Gungor

All that to say…
We live in a magnificent world y’all.

What are you enjoying the most about fall?
